
  • I'm a child psychologist -- I never do these 5 things with my kid

    Parents get an endless supply of rules and unsolicited opinions about what to do and what not to do with their kids. But the truth is there's no handbook. Shannon Dorsey, professor of psychology at the UW, is quoted.

    05/19/2023 | Today
  • How the conversation around eating disorders is changing for women of color

    All women and girls are susceptible to eating disorders and poor body image, but because of misleading medical terminology, popular-media images, and a lack of overall awareness and training, the issue and remedies are framed almost exclusively around white women. But individuals and organizations are working to shift the discussion and unveil the true complexities of eating disorders, particularly in relation to minoritized communities. Timeka Tounsel, assistant professor of Black studies in communication at the UW, is quoted.

    05/17/2023 | The Seattle Medium
  • Infants less likely to contract COVID, develop severe symptoms than household caregivers

    In one of the first studies to explore how COVID-19 specifically affects older infants, researchers from the University of Washington and at institutions at four other locations in the Western and Southern U.S. found that the number of infected people in a household was the factor most closely linked with the infant’s likelihood of being infected.

    11/02/2022 | UW News
  • UW joins industry-academia alliance to accelerate research in neuroscience

    The University of Washington has joined the Alliance for Therapies in Neuroscience (ATN), a long-term research partnership between academia and industry geared to transform the fight against brain diseases and disorders of the central nervous system. Launched in 2021 by the University of California, San Francisco, UC Berkeley, Genentech — a member of the Roche group — and Roche Holding AG, the ATN seeks to accelerate the development of new therapies for a broad range of brain and central nervous system conditions.

    09/26/2022 | UW News
  • Feed your brains well: Meet neuroscientist Chantel Prat

    Released last month, “The Neuroscience of You: How Every Brain is Different and How to Understand Yours,” is Chantel’s first book, and it arrived with a splash. A small tsunami, really; the highly anticipated text has been described by reviewers as “marvelous,” “hilarious,” “highly accessible,” “charming,” and “the smartest, clearest, and funniest book I’ve ever read about the brain.”

    09/09/2022 | The Whole U
  • Covid Findings — with some Controversy

    Statistics professor Jon Wakefield led a team estimating excess deaths due to COVID. The findings caused a stir.

    August 2022 Perspectives
  • Novel HIV combination therapies could prevent viral escape and rebound

    New research by scientists at the University of Washington, the Max Planck Institute for Dynamics and Self-Organization and the University of Cologne indicates that carefully designed cocktails of broadly neutralizing antibodies could help treat HIV while minimizing the risk of the virus evolving to “escape” treatment.
    UW News
  • ‘Folks on the ground have been activated and ready’: UW expert on reproductive justice and the U.S. Supreme Court

    Bettina Judd, associate professor of gender, women and sexuality studies at the University of Washington, discusses the U.S. Supreme Court ruling overturning Roe v. Wade.
    UW News
  • Connecting through Challenges

    With a gift to Speech & Hearing Sciences, Lacey Berns is creating community for those caring for children facing communication challenges — and honoring her daughter.

    May 2022 Perspectives
  • Questioning the Violent Brain

    Generations of scientists have tried to identify biological predictors of violence. Professor Oliver Rollins has concerns about their research.

    February 2022 Perspectives
  • Rethinking the Ventilator

    Industrial design professor Jason O. Germany was part of a team that designed a low-cost ventilator on short notice during the pandemic. 

    September 2021 Perspectives
  • Why arguing can make your relationship happier

    John Gottman, professor emeritus of psychology, discusses how healthy arguing can actually improve relationships.

    The Telegraph
  • Youth mental health during the pandemic better with more sleep, structure and time in nature

    The authors of a new study on youth mental health during COVID-19 explain their research and results.

    UW News
  • Treating Cancer Through Math

    What if math could detect, treat, and ultimately prevent cancer? Ivana Bozic, assistant professor of applied mathematics, wants to find out. 

    August 2021 Perspectives
  • The maximum human life span will likely increase this century, but not by more than a decade

    "When Jeanne Calment of France died in 1997 at the age of 122 years and 164 days, she set a record for oldest human. That record still stands. As statisticians who study demography, we expect that record will be broken by 2100," write the UW's Michael Pearce, a doctoral student in statistics, and Adrian Raftery, professor of statistics and of sociology.

    The Conversation