History is a core discipline in any liberal arts education. The study of history enables us to see how the present world came into being; at the same time, it asks us to understand diverse people in different times and places. The interests of faculty and students in History range temporally from ancient times to present, and geographically from Asia and Europe to the Americas, Africa, and the Middle East.
- History faculty have won 13 UW Distinguished Teaching Awards—more than any other unit on campus.
- A leading US institution for the study of history.
- During the 2023-24 school year, the department taught over 3,800 students, most of whom were non-majors, in 141 classes.
Undergraduate majors
The Department of History offers a major in history and an interdisciplinary major in history and philosophy of science, as well as thematic majors and minors in general history; history of race, gender, and power; history of empire and colonialism; history of religion and society; and history of war and society. It also offers — in cooperation with other units — minors in diversity, labor studies, classics and ancient history, Hellenic studies, Jewish studies, Asian studies, history of science, and medical history and ethics. History also offers a track for both College and departmental honors.
History majors take at least two small, research-oriented courses: a methodology course during the junior year and a capstone seminar during the senior year. Additionally, undergraduates may pursue research opportunities through independent studies or internships, or in a two-quarter honors seminar; some receive funding for research projects from the department.
The department has embraced global and comparative history. Undergraduate course topics range from “The Cold War” to “Global Health History” to “Arctic Histories” to “History by Bollywood: Colonial India Through Film.” Graduate students may take fields in nine major divisions of study, including comparative colonialisms, comparative gender, comparative environmental history, and comparative ethnicity and nationalism. Recent PhDs have attained tenure-track appointments at many top colleges in the U.S. and Canada.
The Department of History is home to the Center for the Study of the Pacific Northwest and co-sponsors the Harry Bridges Center for Labor Studies with the Department of Political Science. Both centers support graduate students and undertake public programs.

Spring 2024
- 238 Undergraduate majors
- 4 MA students
- 34 PhD students
Degrees Awarded
Autumn 2023 - Summer 2024
- 111 BA degrees
- 2 MA degrees
- 5 PhD degrees
Major Undergraduate Student Awards
2023 - 2024
- 1 College of Arts & Sciences Gonfalonier
- 4 UW Library Research Awards
- 63 History Department scholarships & prizes
- 2 Rhodes Scholar Honorable Mention students - chosen as UW representatives to move forward in the Rhodes Scholar competition
Major Graduate Student Awards
- 1 Ford Foundation Predoctoral Fellowship
- 1 Ford Foundation Dissertation Fellowship
- 2 GSEE Graduate Fellowship
- 1 UW China Studies Fellowship
- 1 Conlon Fellowship
- 1 Fulbright Award
- 1 Fulbright-Hays Doctoral Dissertation Research Abroad (DDRA) Program Grant Award
- 1 Chester Fritz International Research Fellowship
- 1 Antoinette Wills Fellowship
- 2 Foreign Language and Area Studies Fellowships (FLAS)
- 1 Husky 100 recipient
Autumn 2024
- 18 Professors
- 1 Teaching Professor
- 12 Associate Professors
- 5 Assistant Professors
- 22 Professors Emeritus
- 9 Adjunct Faculty
- 5 Affiliate Faculty
Faculty Honors & Awards
- 1 MacArthur Fellowship
- 8 Guggenheim Fellowships
- 27 Fulbright Awards
- 11 Mellon Fellowships
- 31 National Endowment for the Humanities Fellowships
- 19 American Council of Learned Societies Fellowships
- 7 Ford Foundation Fellowships
- 14 Social Science Research Council Grants
- 18 Presidents of professional organizations
Faculty Research ranges widely. Recent faculty publications have focused on U.S. history, global health histories, law in medieval Europe, the history of science and technology, and comparative colonialism. Faculty, graduate and undergraduate students are also involved in a wide variety of digital history initiatives, touching on diverse thematic, geographic and temporal areas.
The Center for the Study of the Pacific Northwest supports graduate student research, sponsors symposia and visiting speakers, co-publishes books with the UW Press, publishes Pacific Northwest Quarterly, and hosts public programs.
Recent undergraduate research theses have included “Multiracial Labor Organizing and Community Building in Roslyn, Washington, 1888-1907,” “”Nadie Ganaba’/ ‘Nobody Won’: El Salvador, Argentina and the Transnational Roots of State Terror,” and “Scotland’s Outer Hebrides: A Colonial Oxymoron.”
Interdisciplinary scholarship in History is encouraged by strong ties to other units, including the Jackson School of International Studies; American Indian Studies; Anthropology; American Ethnic Studies; Gender, Women and Sexuality Studies; Philosophy; Classics; Middle Eastern Languages and Cultures; French & Italian Studies; and the Simpson Center for the Humanities.
Areas of Research
- Late Antiquity
- Medieval Europe
- Early Modern Europe
- Modern Europe and European Empire
- Russia and Eastern Europe
- Pre-Modern Asia
- Modern Asia
- Latin America and the Caribbean
- Middle East
- Africa
- United States
- History of Science
- Comparative History
History faculty speak frequently in the community, and each year faculty present the History Lecture Series. Faculty routinely visit secondary schools and serve annually as judges for History Day contests.
The department has a very successful program for Access students — students 60 years of age or older audit UW courses for a nominal fee. In addition to welcoming them into classes, the department sends out periodic informational mailings and hosts an annual reception for Access students and faculty.
The department reaches out to teachers and students in secondary schools and colleges in a variety of ways, including the Seattle Civil Rights & Labor History Project, the Center for the Study of the Pacific Northwest, BlackPast.org, and the Sephardic Treasures project.
Department of History
Box 353560
University of Washington
Seattle, WA 98195
(206) 543-5790
Email: histmain@uw.edu
Web: history.uw.edu
last update: December 2024