Analyze the relationship of people and place to inform issues of environmental and social justice
Geography is about the relationship between people and the environment. It provides important insights into the spatial transformations associated with some of the world's most urgent challenges, including globalization, environmental change, economic inequality, migration, health, development, gender inequality, and many other contemporary processes. The Department of Geography has a strong commitment to social justice and public scholarship, and provides a rich undergraduate experience for those who are passionate about exploring our world and understanding the social and spatial processes that shape it.
Undergraduate Programs
Graduate Programs

Geography teaches you to think critically, spatially, and analytically -- all skills that employers want. Our students find positions in non-profit organizations, business, data visualization, geographic information systems, and community engagement. Want a career as unique as you are? Our students really shine when they apply their unique skillsets to novel forms of employment. Geography doesn’t just prepare you for a life of maps and apps, but for any number of exciting careers.
Career Paths
A geography degree can lead to a career in:
- Planning (urban, social, economic, environmental, transportation)
- Regional & economic development
- Real estate location analysis
- Import/Export
- Geodemographics; market research analysis
- Spatial statisticians and data analysis
- Logistics and supply chain analysis
- Demography
- Geographic Information Systems
- Social Services & education
- Public health
- Global & environmental justice
- Sustainability
- Non-governmental organizations or social mobilization & community-building

Present your research to the public
The department hosts an annual undergraduate research symposium in which our students present research to a public audience. Presentations and projects vary in topic and style, and can be completed individually or as a group. Presenters receive feedback from a team of judges.
Find Yourself in Geography
Deepen your understanding of humans' relationship to the earth. Respond to environmental and social justice challenges.