Explore Printmaking From Your Kitchen

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Spending more time at home and looking for outlets to channel your creative energy? Have no fear – the arts are here!

“The arts nourish us, especially in times of adversity,” said Catherine Cole, divisional dean of the arts. “Artmaking is accessible to all.”

Cole’s vision is for all students to experience the arts during their time at the UW, regardless of major. She often describes the arts as the “kitchen” of the UW, where faculty, students, artists and members of the community come together to collaborate and create. “It is a space that is rejuvenating and available to everyone,” said Cole.

Curt Labitzke, associate professor of interdisciplinary visual arts at the UW’s School of Art + Art History + Design, has taken this vision literally – hosting his popular course, “Printmaking from Home,” from his own kitchen. When the pandemic forced him to rethink how he delivers his course content, Labitzke channeled his creative energy and adapted to the virtual space.

During this year’s National Association of College Admission Counselors (NACAC) Virtual College Fair, Labitzke delivered a 30-minute version of his course for an audience of prospective students and their families.

A recording of that session is now available – and you can try your hand at printmaking at home through the video below.

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