As you start thinking about summer quarter 2021 course registration, check out these unique Arts & Sciences offerings. They’re open to all students, have no prerequisites, and fulfill Areas of Knowledge requirements as noted.
GERMAN 298A: Witchcraft — From History to Pop Culture
With witchcraft as the focal point — especially the medieval and pre-modern images of women, including the age of witch trials — this class explores the perception of the female and the two central poles of understanding the world in the medieval and pre-modern world: religion and magic. We will explore how witchcraft has been narrated and explored in literature as well as in art.
Annegret Oehme, German Studies
5 credits, VLPA
AIS 103: The Indigenous Pacific Northwest
Meet the Indigenous cultures of the Northwest Coast through plant walks, a hands-on cedar weaving lesson, and cultural sharing of traditional foods, songs, dances, and stories. Some classes will be held online; others will be to places of significance on and off campus including the UW Intellectual House and the Burke Museum.
Charlotte Coté, American Indian Studies
5 credits, DIV, I&S
HSTCMP 284: History of Sex
Explore the dramatic changes in how people have thought about sex acts and desires, as well as related notions of gender, from medieval Europe through nineteenth and twentieth century Europe and its colonies to the present. The course will touch on important questions in women's and gender history, the history of racism and oppression, the history of religion, and the history of politics and society.
Adrian Kane-Galbraith, History
5 credits, DIV, I&S
JSIS A 240: Greece Today: The Mediterranean, Europe, and the World
The debt crisis, the refugee crisis, the rise of far-right political parties — modern Greece has seen it all. While it is a small state, it has foreshadowed key developments in world politics, economy, and history. And though it is a young state, its cultural history dates back to ancient Greece. Learn more in this introduction to current political, social, economic, and cultural issues in Greece.
Nektaria Klapaki. Hellenic Studies
5 credits, I&S
GEOG 373 / JEW ST 362 / SPAN 362: Food and Community: Cultural Practices in the Hispanic World
How do the foods of Hispanic cultures intersect with community? In this tasty course, learn about food and material culture, urban design, foodways and gender roles, race, diet and hygiene, celebrations, food preparation techniques, and other cultural practices related to food in the Hispanic world, both past and present.
Ana M. Gomez-Bravo, Spanish
5 credits, I&S
MUSIC 325: Music in Cinema
How does music influence your experience of a film? What makes a soundtrack effective? Dig into the role of music and sound design in cinematic storytelling in this survey of film soundtracks from the past one hundred years.
Huck Hodge, Music
5 credits, VLPA
AFRAM 360: Black Digital Studies
Who tells our stories and how? What is the role of technology in African American storytelling? We will bridge Black studies & digital humanities as we interrogate ideas related to power, memory, resistance, perspective, and respectability politics in storytelling, and we will look at control of the vehicles for storytelling, including the role of archives, collections, research centers, the Black press, and digital technology.
LaShawnDa Pittman, American Ethnic Studies
5 credits, DIV, I&S
DXARTS 200: Digital Art and New Media: History, Theory, and Practice
Explore the creative, theoretical, and historical perspectives of New Media Art. Through video lectures, online discussions and a series of creative projects, you will cultivate your own artistic vision. Learn about systems art, interactivity, experimental music, and data driven art as you create small, speculative proposals for future artworks.
Tivon Rice, DXARTS
5 credits, VLPA
JEW ST 339 / B H 339 A / NEAR E 328: A Bioethics: Secular and Jewish Perspectives
How do religious beliefs influence views on health care and related ethical issues? Compare legal, ethical, scientific, and religious perspectives related to doctor-patient relationships, reproductive methods, abortion, euthanasia, and stem cell research.
Hadar Khazzam-Horovitz, Near Eastern Languages & Civilization
3 credits, DIV, I&S
FRENCH 240 A / ITAL 240 A: Introduction to French & Italian Studies
Why do we call scheming political calculation “Machiavellian?" Why does the French census not collect racial and ethnic data? Explore these and other questions to better understand the histories and present-day cultures of Italy, France, and the Francophone world, including the rise of nationalism and anti-immigrant sentiment, the enduring importance of literary culture, and issues of multilingual interactions and translation in the Francophone world. No knowledge of French or Italian is required.
Beatrice Arduini, French & Italian Studies
5 credits, VLPA
Want to devote your summer to learning a new language? The UW offers nearly a dozen intensive summer language programs, including the following programs in Chinese, Japanese, Korean, and Vietnamese that cover a full year of language study during summer quarter. No previous knowledge of the language is presumed.
CHIN 134A: First-Year Intensive Chinese
Liping Yu
15 credits, conditional VLPA*
JAPAN 134A: First-Year Intensive Japanese
Kaoru Ohta
15 credits, conditional VLPA*
KOREAN 134A: First-Year Intensive Korean
JungHee Kim
15 credits, conditional VLPA*
VIET 134A: First-Year Intensive Vietnamese
Yen Nguyen
15 credits, conditional VLPA*
* First year foreign language courses may, under certain conditions, count toward the VLPA requirement. See website or your adviser for more information.
HSTCMP 290 A: Indiana Jones and Archaeology in the Mediterranean World*
Tomb robbers, adventurers, spies and gentleman (and some women) travelers played a central role in developing the modern discipline of archaeology. Explore the lives of travelers, archaeological discoveries, and well-known artifacts to "rediscover" the ancient world and imperialism around the Mediterranean from 1790 to the 20th century.
*listed as “Topics in Comparative/Global History"
Arna Elezovic, History
5 credits, I&S
CHSTU 101A: The Chicano/Mexican Ethnic Experience in the United States
Examine the Chicano/Mexican American experience, with a focus on past and contemporary issues of race, ethnicity, and socio-economic status.
Lauro Flores, American Ethnic Studies
5 credits, DIV, I&S
LING 233 / COM 233 / ANTH 233: Language & Society
How people speak can tell us a lot about them and the society around them. Varieties in language arise from differences in cultural and societal groups, and can often reflect power inequalities. In this course, through the systematic observation and critical discussion of linguistic phenomena, learn about the role that society and the individual play in shaping language.
Instructor to be announced
5 credits, DIV, VLPA
GERMAN 399: Zoom on Over to Germany - Ich bin ein (Virtual) Berliner!
Have you been missing travel and the exploration of new cultures? Spend the summer in Berlin with this virtual study abroad experience! This project-based and immersive exploration of the art, music, food, history, and people of Berlin will include a cooking lesson, a guest talk on the music scene in Berlin, virtual visits to the city’s major museums, and opportunities to engage in a virtual exploration of different Berlin neighborhoods. A guest speaker will provide an insider’s perspective on life in the former East Germany and the fall of the Berlin Wall.
S. Kye Terrasi, Germanics
6 credits, I&S, VLPA