Alumni Information

Name and Suffix
Enter a list of your UW degrees, including major and year. For multiple degrees, separate them with a semi-colon (example: BA, Geography, 2010; MA, International Studies, 2014).
Enter a list of your non-UW degrees, including major and year. For multiple degrees, separate them with a semi-colon (example: BA, Geography, 2010; MA, International Studies, 2014).
(example: Volunteer Coordinator, EarthCorps)
Please use non-technical language--understandable to a college freshman--to describe your job and where you work.
For those providing a LinkedIn page, you can use the corresponding checkbox above (labeled "Use my LinkedIn profile image") to let us know that we should use your LinkedIn profile photo instead of this upload.
One file only.
2 MB limit.
Allowed types: gif, jpg, jpeg, png, bmp.