Students Making the Most of the UW

  • Social Justice Through Geography

    An interest in social justice led Sam Nowak (BA, Geography) to the Department of Geography, where he pursued research on issues of inequality, particularly among Seattle's homeless and other marginalized populations.

    July 2013 Perspectives
  • Personal Journey Inspires Research

    For Mimi Cagaitan (BA, English, Comparative History of Ideas), an unusual family history was the motivation for her research and a class she led about international marriage migration—the so-called "mail-order bride" industry.

    July 2013 Perspectives
  • Cap and Gown and Pointe Shoes

    After years of balancing UW studies with a demanding full-time dance career, Pacific Northwest Ballet dancer Leah O'Connor will earn a bachelor's degree in sociology in June.

    May 2013 Perspectives