
  • Homage to an Adventurer

    After Frith Maier retraced adventurer George Kennan's 1870 route through the Caucasus Mountains, the journey became the basis of her UW master's thesis and a new book.

    March 2003 Perspectives
  • Madness and Reason in the Maximum Security Prison

    Anthropology professor Lorna Rhodes explores the challenges faced by prisoners and prison staff in a maximum security prison.

    March 2003 Perspectives
  • Deciphering an Ancient Buddhist Manuscript

    An ancient manuscript, recently acquired by the UW Libraries, offers new insights into the history of Buddhism. 

    October 2002 Perspectives
  • Burma's Enduring Military Regime

    International studies professor Mary Callahan’s new book is Making Enemies: War and State Building in Burma. 

    July 2002 Perspectives