Social Justice

  • Q&A: Microinclusions improve women’s workplace belonging and commitment

    New research from the University of Washington published in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, shows how “microinclusions” — brief instances of positive treatment, especially from members of the dominant group — help women feel valued at work. UW News talked with lead author Gregg Muragishi, a UW postdoctoral scholar of psychology, to learn more about this research.

    06/03/2024 | UW News
  • Analysis: Why is ‘moral equivalence’ such a bad thing? A political philosopher explains

    "As a political philosopher, I am interested in how concepts like moral equivalence are used in political discussions. Those who use this concept generally do so as a way of asserting that someone is at best deceived – and, at worse, deliberately deceptive – about the moral wrongs done by one side in a conflict," writes Michael Blake, professor of philosophy and of public policy and governance at the UW.
    05/31/2024 | The Conversation
  • ICE deportee alleged ongoing threats over false sex crime charge

    Immigration officials corrected his record, but the Tacoma center detainee warned of continued risks to himself and his family back in Micronesia. Angelina Godoy, professor of law, societies, and justice and of international studies, as well as director of the Center for Human Rights at the UW, is quoted.
    05/29/2024 | Crosscut
  • A Voice for Undocumented Students

    Edgar Quiroz Sanchez, graduating with two bachelor's degrees, has been a powerful voice for the needs of undocumented students at the UW.

    June 2024 Perspectives
  • Washington seeks to fix discrimination from racially restrictive property deeds

    A program set to launch in July will enable families affected by housing discrimination to get financial assistance for home purchases. James Gregory, professor and associate chair of history at the UW, is quoted.
    Washington State Standard
  • ICE releases report on Tacoma detainee death but leaves out key detail

    More than a month after a man died at an immigrant detention center in Tacoma, federal officials released a report, as required by Congress. The report lacked one key detail: a cause of death. The UW's Phil Neff, project coordinator at the Center for Human Rights, and Angelina Godoy, professor of both international studies and law, societies and justice and the director of the Center for Human Rights, are mentioned.
    The Seattle Times
  • China’s divided memory of the Cultural Revolution

    “3 Body Problem,” a Netflix adaptation of the popular Chinese sci-fi novel by the same name, is causing controversy in China for its depiction of the Cultural Revolution. How do the Chinese people see this crucial period of their history? Madeleine Dong, professor of history at the UW, is interviewed.
  • Immigrant rights activist Catalina Velasquez on her life and work

    The Standard spoke to Catalina Velasquez, a doctoral student at the UW, about being one of the few trans, queer people leading the immigrant rights movement in Washington.
    Washington State Standard
  • AAPI voter turnout involves many unseen obstacles

    You are voting for the first time. Your ballot arrives. But you can’t read it. The text is too small. And when you come to the candidates’ names, they look something like this: T *&%$@(“&^, T>>%@)%|\^^. Such was the experience—more or less—of many older residents of the Chinatown International-District (CID) before the Nov. 2023 elections, according to multiple organizations sponsoring a get-out-the vote event. Connie So, teaching professor of American ethnic studies at the UW, is quoted.
    Northwest Asian Weekly
  • Yes, JK Rowling, the Nazis did persecute trans people

    Last week, children's book author JK Rowling tweeted some more nonsense about transgender people. In this case, she disputed the fact that Nazis destroyed early research on the community. Laurie Marhoefer, professor of history at the UW, is featured.
    The Stranger
  • Man who died at WA detention site was in solitary for years, researchers say

    A man who died last week at one of the nation’s biggest immigrant detention centers, located in Tacoma, had been held in solitary confinement for more than three years and possibly almost four, according to federal data analyzed by the UW’s Center for Human Rights. Angelina Godoy, professor of law, societies and justice and of international studies, as well as director of the Center for Human Rights at the UW, is quoted.
    The Seattle Times
  • Neighborhood poverty may impact women's ovarian reserves

    Living in a neighborhood with greater poverty in adulthood is tied to lower ovarian reserve, according to a study published online March 5 in Menopause. Anwesha Pan, a doctoral student of anthropology at the UW, is mentioned.
  • Lifting Marginalized Voices — from Ancient Rome

    "Interesting, frustrating, and necessary,” is how Sarah Levin-Richardson, professor of Classics, describes her research into the lives of enslaved individuals in the ancient world. 

    March 2024 Perspectives
  • ‘On Our Terms’: Creating community based definitions for DEAI terms

    Many terms in the Diversity, Equity, Accessibility, and Inclusion (DEAI) field are frequently used but rarely understood fully. A 10 part video series, entitled “On Our Terms,” was released by the Burke Museum, aiming to reflect on these DEAI terms and offer community-based definitions.

    The Daily
  • UW study: How parents talked about Black Lives Matter differed by race

    A new study led by researchers at the UW and Northwestern University found about 80% of parents spoke to their children about the Black Lives Matter movement within a year of the murder of George Floyd. Andrew Meltzoff, professor of psychology and co-director of the UW Institute for Learning and Brain Sciences, is quoted.
    The Seattle Times