UW and the Community

  • Encouraging Young Philosophers in Oaxaca

    Philosophy graduate student Amy Reed-Sandoval has spent the past three summers leading a philosophy program for children in Oaxaca, Mexico, guiding conversations on everything from individual rights to the nature of happiness.

    September 2013 Perspectives
  • A Medieval Moment at EMP

    With so many fantasy novels and their on-screen adaptions set in neo-medieval times, EMP looked to members of a UW medieval studies group to help with its new exhibit on the fantasy genre.

    May 2013 Perspectives
  • Rethinking Research: What's Ethics Got to Do With It?

    When scientists studying the deadly H5N1 “bird flu” virus reengineered it to be transmissible in humans, the potential for the virus to become a public security threat intensified.

    May 2013 Perspectives
  • Physicists for a Day

    Through a national program, ten high school students spent a recent Saturday as physicists, analyzing real data from the world's largest particle accelerator and discussing their findings with scientists at a national lab.

    April 2013 Perspectives
  • Through Museum Partnership, Theory Meets Practice

    Black Cultural Studies students combined traditional coursework with community projects through a winter quarter collaboration with the Northwest African American Museum.

    April 2013 Perspectives
  • Movers and Shakers and History Makers

    A&S alumni and siblings Gary and Carver Gayton have led extraordinary lives, following in the footsteps of their great grandfather Lewis Clarke, who escaped slavery to become a well-known abolitionist.

    March 2013 Perspectives
  • African American History, on the Web

    It began as a modest resource to address students' frequently asked questions, but Professor Quintard Taylor's BlackPast.org website now attracts 2.8 million visitors a year with its trusted information about African American history.

    March 2013 Perspectives
  • Q&A with New A&S Dean Robert Stacey

    The new Dean of  the College of Arts and Sciences shares his thoughts about his role, the value of the liberal arts, and the state of higher education.

    01/15/2013 | College of Arts & Sciences
  • Championing Seattle's Invisible Homeless

    Graham Pruss knows a thing or two about being homeless, having lived through some tough times on the streets as a teen. So when he noticed a growing number of people living in their vehicles in his Seattle neighborhood, he was determined to help.

    December 2012 Perspectives
  • Living Voters Guide

    As Washington voters consider numerous hot button issues this election season, many are turning to the Living Voters Guide, an interactive online resource developed by UW students and faculty in conjunction with Seattle CityClub.

    October 2012 Perspectives
  • Guiding Teen Girls Toward College

    Making Connections, a program of the UW Women's Center, helps first-generation, low-income high school girls achieve their dream of going to college. For the past five years, the program has had a 100 percent success rate.

    June 2012 Perspectives
  • Encouraging Connections through Service

    April 2012 Perspectives
  • Running Circles Around Math

    Math Circles, led weekly by UW students, introduce middle school students to the joys of mathematics. "You have captured the fire in my child!" comments one parent, impressed by the program.

    January 2012 Perspectives
  • Crafting the Story Behind the Science

    A seminar course developed by and for graduate students aims to improve scientists' ability to explain their research to the public. Now participants will use their newfound skills as they speak at an upcoming public lecture series. 

    January 2011 Perspectives
  • I-LABS Offers Play with a Purpose in Central Park

    When 50,000 visitors descended on New York's Central Park for Ultimate Block Party, an event celebrating the importance of play for children’s developing brains, a team from the UW’s Institute for Learning & Brain Sciences was there.

    November 2010 Perspectives