As artists, humanists, natural scientists and social scientists, our perspective is global and our commitment to inclusivity is unwavering. Difference, however conceived or defined, enriches our community and makes each of us better. The following resources help make our campus a welcoming and equitable place for all.

Cultivating Community at UW
Anti-racism and DEI&B in the workplace is a baseline training, designed to educate on a range of diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging (DEI&B) topics such as racism, disability and accessibility, and LGBTQ+ identities, and to highlight how these issues affect colleagues and students at the University of Washington. This required course is designed for staff, faculty, and other academic personnel.
CAS EJI Climate Surveys
In spring 2023, faculty, staff, and postdocs were invited to take the inaugural annual CAS EJI climate survey. The thoughtful reflections from over 1,000 respondents were instrumental in helping CAS think through how we show up in EJI work.
View the 2023 Report (NetID login required)
In spring 2024, over 600 members of the college participated in a follow-up survey, providing feedback on initiatives from the previous year as well as sharing perspectives concerning a new initiative on mentorship.
EJI Funding Opportunities for Faculty and Staff
College-level funding for co-sponsorship of EJI-related events are available on a first-come-first-serve basis. Funds may be used toward hosting departmental DEIA workshops and trainings, spearheading EJI-focused campus events, supporting guest speakers for courses, etc. The application can be found here.
University-wide seed grants are available to faculty, staff and student groups working on topics that support institutional transformation and progress toward the goals outlined in the Race & Equity Initiative and Diversity Blueprint. Administrative and academic units are encouraged to apply.
CAS Mentorship Program
Mentorship is a cornerstone for professional development and career advancement within the College of Arts & Sciences (CAS). The CAS 2024 Equity, Justice, & Inclusion (EJI) Climate Survey revealed that 93% of respondents reported a positive impact from mentorship, and 92% support the establishment of a structured mentorship program within CAS. This 2024-25 CAS Mentorship Program is a semi-structured mentorship program aimed at fostering both formal and informal professional relationships among faculty across disciplines and ranks. Find out more on our CAS Mentorship Program page.
Inclusive and Antiracist Pedagogies
After a successful first year, the College will continue to support a two-pronged initiative in winter 2025 which includes offering 1) a series of programming concerning curricular development and inclusive pedagogies, and 2) a small-group cohort where participants engage with the workshop lessons and each other over a quarter to develop concrete materials for their departments and their classrooms. Find out more on our Inclusive and Antiracist Pedagogies page.
Key On-Campus EJI Resources
We've compiled a set of EJI resources into a new searchable, filterable repository to help faculty and staff discover relevant articles, media, opportunities and more.
In addition to the College's repository of EJI resources, the following list provides campus resources, professional development opportunities, and pedagogical materials for faculty and staff across the College and the UW. For key EJI definitions, see our Key EJI Definitions page. Additional resources can also be found in the ADVANCE resource library.
- Diversity at UW
Information about EJI work happening at UW.
- UWHR Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Resources
UW Human Resources has compiled resources, trainings, policies, community groups and events for all UW employees.
- Office of Academic Personnel
Office of Academic Personnel (OAP) supports the appointment and retention of the best faculty, librarians, and other academic personnel for a global university.
- Office of Faculty Advancement
The Office for Faculty Advancement (OFA) promotes the hiring, retention, and success of a diverse and inclusive faculty at the University of Washington.
- Office of Equity and Justice
Office of Equity and Justice supports all of our students, including our Black, Latinx, Native American, Native Hawaiian and Pacific islander students, by partnering with colleagues, researchers and community members.
- Diversity Council
Serves as the primary advisory committee to the UW President on matters of diversity and equity at all three UW campuses.
- Faculty & Staff Diversity
Build community and foster connections between diverse UW faculty and staff members.
- Disability Services
Provides leadership to the university community in achieving employment, educational, programmatic and physical access for individuals with disabilities.
- Accessible Technology Services
Collaborates with faculty and staff to ensure the availability of assistive technology, consult on the development of accessible web site, software and learning spaces; and promote the use of accessible technology tools and practices in teaching, learning and research.
Offers a variety of leadership and professional development workshops and events to address equity promotion, strategic planning and best practices in academia.
- Graduate Equity Progress Tool
Lifecycle resources to help departments support graduate students. The lifecycle includes the following stages: pre-recruitment pipeline, application/admissions, retention, graduation and post-graduation career paths.
- Library Resource Guide to Support Department Chairs
Relevant books, articles, databases, journals, news sources, trainings, websites, blogs, and more that focus on the work of being a department chair.
- University Faculty Councils
University faculty councils study and make recommendations on issues bearing on the welfare of the university. Examples include the Gender, Equity, and Justice Council and the Race, Equity, and Justice Council.
- University of Washington OMBUD
The Office of the Ombud serves the UW community by providing high quality, client-focused services for preventing, managing, navigating and resolving conflict at the UW. We act as thought-partners with clients to assist them in navigating any issue to do with their lives at the UW. Through active participation in the problem-solving process, clients develop the ability to prevent, manage, and resolve future conflicts.
- Bias Reporting Tool
The Bias Reporting Tool helps UW community members report incidents of bias or violations of UW policies for non-discrimination.
- Teaching @ UW
Teaching@UW is designed to help faculty develop an effective, learner-centered teaching practice. Drawing on expertise from UW’s vibrant, tri-campus teaching community and dedicated instructional support staff, the site provides one-stop access to information, resources, and learning opportunities that promote student success in the classroom.
- Anti-Racism and DEI&B in the Workplace Training
Cultivating Community at UW: Anti-racism and DEI&B in the workplace is a baseline training, designed to educate on a range of diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging (DEI&B) topics such as racism, disability and accessibility, and LGBTQ+ identities, and to highlight how these issues affect colleagues and students at the University of Washington. This required course is designed for staff, faculty, and other academic personnel.
- OMA&D Education and Training Offerings
These educational offerings are for UW faculty and staff who are interested in engaging in DE&I education for self-growth, awareness, and to support more effective engagement with students, faculty, and staff.
- Professional & Organizational Development
POD is a small team of trainers, consultants, and administrative professionals whose mission is to foster positive change in individuals and organizations at the University of Washington.
- SafeCampus
SafeCampus is the University of Washington’s violence-prevention and response Program. We support students, staff, faculty and community members in preventing violence. In addition to listening to your concerns and providing guidance and safety plans tailored to your situation, SafeCampus provides in-person training to staff, faculty and students to support violence prevention and response at the UW.
- Support for Scholars Experiencing Targeted Harassment
Nationwide, scholars have increasingly become targets for harassment because of their personal or institutional beliefs or their area of research. These attacks can be professionally disruptive and personally difficult, especially when research is misconstrued or misrepresented. These resources provide information on how to protect yourself from harassment online and offline.