Sociology Majors Hawthorne and McElvaine Awarded Bonderman Fellowships
As Bonderman Fellows, Saige and Havana are provided stipends for a minimum of 8 months of travel with the only mandate being that they visit at least two regions of the globe.04/25/2017 | Department of Sociology -
With autism diagnoses on the rise, UW establishes clinic for babies
If a baby doesn't look at parents and caregivers or engage in play, parents have questions. Many parents are bringing their babies to the UW Autism Center when looking for answers.
04/25/2017 | UW Today -
Remembering Ernest Henley, physicist and UW College of Arts & Sciences dean emeritus
Ernest Mark Henley, a celebrated nuclear physicist and University of Washington administrator, died on March 27, 2017, at age 92.
04/20/2017 | UW Today -
More than recess: How playing on the swings helps kids learn to cooperate
A study by the UW’s Institute for Learning & Brain Sciences (I-LABS) shows the potential of synchronized movement in helping young children develop collaborative skills.
04/19/2017 | UW Today -
Our Climate Future Is Actually Our Climate Present
How do we live with the fact that the world we knew is going and, in some cases, already gone?
04/19/2017 | The New York Times -
Time on the swings can develop kids' collaborative skills, study finds
Spending time on a swing set can help kids learn to cooperate in other activities, a study released Tuesday by University of Washington researchers revealed.
04/19/2017 | King 5 -
Newfound Alien Planet Is Best Place Yet to Search for Life
A newly discovered planet around a distant star may jump to the top of the list of places where scientists should go looking for alien life.
04/19/2017 | Space.com -
New many-toothed clingfish discovered with help of digital scans
Scientists at the University of Washington, Texas A&M University and the Western Australian Museum have discovered and named a new genus and species of clingfish.
04/17/2017 | UW Today -
Faculty Friday: Marcos Llobera
Marcos Llobera brings landscapes of the past to life through cutting-edge computational methods and digital archeology
04/14/2017 | The Whole U -
Opinion: Why aggression in outer space should concern the US-Japan alliance
Saadia Pekkanen, Job and Gertrude Tamaki professor at the Jackson School for International Studies, on US-Japan relations in the Abe-Trump era
04/13/2017 | Forbes