Analysis: Sudans civil war: What military advances mean, and where the country could be heading next
The Conversation turned to Christopher Tounsel, associate professor of history at the UW, to explain what the war has cost and where it could turn now.03/25/2025 | The Conversation -
Analysis: The enduring power of the Omoro Sshi
"Songs are not mere entertainment if we consider the case of Japan. There, they can be the very essence of life itself," writes Davinder Bhowmik, a UW associate professor of Asian languages and literature.03/25/2025 | Northwest Asian Weekly -
UW professor battles a direct, frontal assault on Black history
When Quintard Taylor, professor emeritus of history at the UW, launched BlackPast in 2007, he didnt realize attacks on history would make the site as necessary as it has proved to be.03/25/2025 | The Seattle Times -
A telescope is taking 12 years to build but could find extraterrestrial life in hours
The circumstances need to be right, but modeling suggests finding biosignatures in the atmospheres of planets orbiting nearby stars will be well within the Extremely Large Telescopes capacity. The UW's Victoria Meadows, professor of astronomy, and Miles Currie, a doctoral student of astronomy, are mentioned.03/24/2025 | IFLScience -
Cloaked in color: UW-led research finds some female hummingbirds evolve male plumage to dodge aggression
Trickery by female white-necked jacobin hummingbirds results in reduced aggression from other hummingbirds and increased access to nectar resources.03/20/2025 | UW News -
Faculty/staff honors: Best paper, collaborative innovation, young investigator award
Recent recognition of the University of Washington includes the Best Paper Award at NeurIPS Pluralistic Alignment Workshop, Scialog: Early Science with the LSST Collaborative Innovation Award and 2024 AVS Thin Film Young Investigator Award. Professor wins ‘best paper’ at NeurIPS Pluralistic Alignment Workshop Max Kleiman-Weiner, assistant professor in the UW Foster School of Business, received...03/19/2025 | UW News -
For the planet and the people, Margo Okazawa-Rey asks, How deep is your love?
Things were a little bit different at Town Hall on March 4. Things were a little bitwarmer. Activist and educator Margo Okazawa-Rey was in the house.Linh Thy Nguyn, assistant professor of American ethnic studies at the UW, is quoted.03/14/2025 | Northwest Asian Weekly -
Celebrating Black Composers
A video project led by School of Music professor Stephen Price highlights the work of Black composers for organ and provides historical context.
April 2025 Perspectives -
An Earful of AI
Hearing aid technology is improving all the time with the help of AI, thanks to researchers like Yi Shen, professor of speech & hearing sciences.
March 2025 Perspectives -
Imagining the Future of Higher Education & the Liberal Arts
The Futurists, a group of Arts & Science faculty and leadership, are exploring the possibilities for higher education and the liberal arts many decades from now.
March 2025 Perspectives