Understanding the term 'alt-right'
Bill Radke talks to Christopher Parker, University of Washington professor of political science, about the white nationalism movement called the "alt-right."
11/30/2016 -
Locals plan to protest bigotry during inauguration in D.C.
Wallingford resident Meredith Pfanschmidt and a friend spent more than $400 each on round trip tickets to Washington D.C. to protest President-elect Donald Trump's inauguration.
11/30/2016 -
UW political scientist skeptical of Wisconsin recount effort
"There's always going to be some change in the vote. It's not a perfect system," says UW's Stuart Streichler.
11/30/2016 -
Seattle historian sees two reasons to hope in the face of hate
Hundreds of hate crimes have been reported since the recent presidential election, but UW professor Margaret O’Mara says studying history gives her reason to hope.
11/28/2016 -
Forest Die-Offs Alter Global Climate "Like El Nino"
The loss of forests worldwide appears to interact synergistically to produce unpredictable effects on the global climate.
11/28/2016 -
No Jargon
Professor Chris S. Parker details why given America’s racial history, the election of Donald Trump is not a surprise.
11/28/2016 -
Microsoft researchers lay down a big bet on topological quantum computers
Microsoft says it’s moving ahead from just talking about quantum computing to building an actual quantum computer, based on the physics that won a Nobel Prize this year.
11/22/2016 -
Trump and foreign policy: UW Jackson School faculty speak out
What will the ramifications of a Donald Trump presidency be on United States foreign policy and its place in the world?
11/21/2016 -
The real reason Trump won: White fright
"Many Trump supporters believe themselves to be losing 'their' country, something that leads them to prefer a social milieu more consistent with days gone by."
11/21/2016 -
Has Hypnosis Finally Been Vindicated by Neuroscience?
Considering its origin story, it’s not so surprising that hypnosis and serious medical science have often seemed at odds. Dave Patterson, a psychologist at the UW weighs in.