Donald Trump on KIRO Radio: Was he accurate?
Republican Presidential nominee Donald Trump was interviewed on Seattle's KIRO Radio while visiting Washington on Monday.
09/01/2016 -
Trump coming to enemy territory (aka Washington state)
Despite sagging support in Washington state, Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump made an appearance at a rally in Everett on Tuesday.
09/01/2016 -
One of the Peak Times for Divorce Is Nearly Over
They didn’t set out to do a study on divorce, but two University of Washington researchers poring over a range of sociological data saw such a clear pattern emerge that they’ve ended up with one.08/31/2016 | Yahoo -
Is the nearest alien planet Proxima b habitable? 'It's complicated'
The discovery of a roughly Earth-size planet around Proxima Centauri, the nearest star to Earth, has generated a lot of buzz.08/31/2016 | Space -
KOMO Radio | Is Proxima b really habitable?
KOMO Radio's Herb Weisbaum interviews Rory Barnes, professor of astronomy at the UW, about the potential for habitability of Proxima b.08/31/2016 | KOMO -
UW astrobiologists take discovery of new planet to the next phase
The University of Washington-based Virtual Planetary Laboratory is taking the discovery of the nearest planet found to our own solar system to the next phase.08/31/2016 | King 5 -
Proxima’s progress: Why it’ll take years to learn what closest exoplanet is really like
University of Washington astronomer Rory Barnes says Proxima Centauri b is the biggest discovery in 20 years for planet hunters like himself.08/31/2016 | Geek Wire -
Plants’ future water use affects long-term drought estimates
A study led by the University of Washington shows that popular long-term drought estimates have a major flaw.
08/30/2016 -
The Dog Aging Project Wants to Help Your Pet Live Longer
Biologists at the University of Washington are launching a long-term study that involves testing medications that could enhance dogs' life spans.
08/30/2016 -
Baby Talk: The Surprising Reason It's Good For Babies
Baby talk is loved and hated amongst many, but what if baby talk was actually good for babies?