UW sends the most students to the Peace Corps
The University of Washington for the second straight year was the top Peace Corps supplier among large universities.
02/17/2016 | The Washington Post -
Men and women give different answers when asked who’s the smartest in class
Dan Grunspan was studying the habits of undergraduates when he noticed a persistent trend: Male students assumed their male classmates knew more about course material than female students.02/16/2016 | The Washington Post -
DNA tests conducted by researchers from the University of Washington helped bring down one of Africa’s biggest kingpins in the illegal elephant ivory trade.
Dr. Sam Wasser, head of UW’s Center for Conservation Biology provides the latest updates on his work in Africa.02/16/2016 -
Europe’s extremists are not Putin’s fault
Europeans should look to Brussels — not Moscow — for the source of their extremism problem, says Scott Radnitz, a professor in the Jackson School.
02/13/2016 | Foreign Policy -
Caught in the act: UW astronomers find a rare supernova ‘impostor’ in a nearby galaxy
After a star explodes as a supernova, it usually leaves behind either a black hole or what’s called a neutron star — the collapsed, high-density core of the former star.02/12/2016 -
UW scientists create ultrathin semiconductor heterostructures for new technological applications
The semiconductors created by a team of UW physicists and engineers could support new uses in clean energy and optically-active electronics.02/12/2016 -
Gravitational waves detected 100 years after Einstein’s prediction
The LIGO team, which includes UW Physics faculty, opens new window on the universe with observation of gravitational waves from colliding black holes02/11/2016 -
Study: Male biology students consistently underestimate female peers
The researchers say bias in the classroom could be mitigated through measures like randomized calling during class and creating small-group discussions that are less intimidating.
02/11/2016 | UW Today -
See new discoveries at the mysterious City of the Jaguar
An excavation of an ancient city in Honduras has yielded a trove of remarkable stone artifacts. Two UW anthropology students are part of the team.
02/10/2016 | National Geographic -
Partnering for Safe Water
Eric Stowe (2001, 2003) founded Splash to ensure safe water for children living in urban poverty in Asia and Africa.
February 2016 Perspectives