  • From the Dean

    Dean Robert Stacey's thoughts on how an improved budget could lead students to explore the College's tremendous breadth.

    August 2015 Perspectives
  • The China Design Connection

    Design students from the UW School of Art and Southeastern University in Nanjing, China did parallel projects, then met in China to share their work.

    August 2015 Perspectives
  • Embracing the Big Questions

    A former scientist, now a humanities professor, teaches a course that explores legal, ethical, scientific, and commercial aspects of biotechnology.

    August 2015 Perspectives
  • Four Ideas That Changed the World

    In The Shape of the New, two UW professors share four 'big ideas' that shaped the modern world.

    August 2015 Perspectives
  • Annual Perseid Meteor Shower peaks Wednesday night!

    The University of Washington Astronomy Department has compiled a list of their favorite places to watch meteors.
  • Why Seattle needs to talk about race

    Professor Quintard Taylor says people talk about race without understanding the historical context in which it is shaped. Unsurprisingly, people talk past each other even when they are well-meaning.
    08/11/2015 | Crosscut
  • Do we really want empires of connected things?

    Philip Howard, professor in the Department of Communication, asks questions about how the "Wild West" of internet connected devices should be regulated.

    08/10/2015 | The Huffington Post
  • UW builds largest Sephardic digital library

    Seattle is home to one of the most vibrant Sephardic Jewish communities in the country, and UW professor Devin Naar is working to keep its dying language, Ladino, alive.

    08/10/2015 | Seattle Times
  • Center stage

    After scoliosis surgery, Annie Morro, ’15, is pursuing her passion for performing as a member of the UW musical theater program’s inaugural graduating class.

  • Using DNA to track elephant poachers

    How elephant dung and ivory tusk samples can help save the African elephant