  • Former UW official artist is on mission of healing

    Former University of Washington official artist (1979 - 2005) Michael Reagan "calls on his talent and puts pencil to paper" to help the families of soldiers who have died in terrorist attacks.
    01/02/2013 | SnoValley Star
  • Babies begin learning language while in womb

    Babies only hours old are able to differentiate between sounds from their native language and a foreign language, scientists have discovered. The study indicates that babies begin absorbing language while still in the womb, earlier than previously thought.
    01/02/2013 | UW Today
  • Film Buffs, Join the Club

    The student-run UW Film Club, described by one of its co-directors as "sort of a support group for film addicts," hosts film screenings, student film competitions, screenwriting workshops, and more.

    January 2013 Perspectives
  • A Love/Hate Relationship with Documentary Films

    Filmmaker Werner Herzog is a vocal critic of the documentary film genre, yet nearly half of his films can be categorized as documentaries. That love/hate relationship is the focus of Ferocious Reality, a new book by UW Professor Eric Ames.

    January 2013 Perspectives
  • Q&A with DreamWorks' Teresa Cheng

    January 2013 Perspectives
  • From Producer to Screenwriter

    Peter Chiarelli spent years as a film producer working on Amityville Horror, Eagle Eye, and other projects before trying his hand at screenwriting. His 2009 romantic comedy, The Proposal, starred Sandra Bullock and Ryan Reynolds.

    January 2013 Perspectives
  • Filmmaking Pilot Program Embraces the Liberal Arts

    CineMedia, the College's pilot program for future filmmakers, is in its second year and showing promise. But whether this interdisciplinary program is feasible on a larger scale is still an open question.

    January 2013 Perspectives
  • Q&A with Filmmaker Marcella Ernest

    January 2013 Perspectives
  • Q&A with Cinematographer Sean Porter

    January 2013 Perspectives
  • Q&A with Filmmaker Matthew Salton

    January 2013 Perspectives