The Technology to Reach Net Zero Carbon Emissions Isn’t Ready for Prime Time, But ...
Daniel Schwartz, professor of chemical engineering at the UW and director of the UW Clean Energy Institute, is the author of this article explaining the process of developing greener technologies and the supports that are needed.
08/24/2021 | Scientific American -
Why arguing can make your relationship happier
John Gottman, professor emeritus of psychology, discusses how healthy arguing can actually improve relationships.
08/23/2021 | The Telegraph -
We know how to keep kids safe from Covid-19 in school. Now we need to do it
Carl Bergstrom, professor of biology, and Ryan McGee, a doctoral student in biology, are collaborating with Alicia Zhou to develop an interactive model that simulates COVID-19 outbreaks in the workplace or in schools.
08/23/2021 | Stat -
After mystery sea star die-off, could captive breeding rebalance California’s underwater forests?
Jason Hodin, a research scientist at UW's Friday Harbor Laboratories, discusses whether sea stars bred in captivity can survive in the wild.
08/23/2021 | National Geographic -
Good, but Not Great: Taking Stock of a Big Ten University’s Covid Plan
Carl Bergstrom, professor of biology, discusses the University of Illinois's COVID-19 plan.
08/22/2021 | The New York Times -
VIDEO: Baby orca shows off breaching skills near Friday Harbor
A video taken by Caitie Moore, a UW marine biology student, shows a baby orca jumping out of the water.
08/21/2021 | Komo News -
Blue-collar workers at Silicon Valley companies hope for better future
As tech companies continue to delay return to offices, some service workers hope for a full return in the coming months. Margaret O'Mara, professor of history at the UW, is quoted.
08/20/2021 | NBC News -
U.S. Climate Agenda In The Aftermath Of The Afghanistan Withdrawal
Aseem Prakash, professor of political science, discusses the situation in Afghanistan and its possible effects on climate change policy.
08/20/2021 | Forbes -
Opportunities to Explore: August 2021
Check out opportunities to explore the College of Arts & Sciences from your home and on campus.
August 2021 Perspectives -
CAS in the News
A sampling of recent stories in local and national media featuring College of Arts & Sciences faculty and students.
August 2021 Perspectives