• Learning Ceramics at Home

    Carley Long, a senior studying art and psychology, and Shiuan Chu, a junior studying art, explain what it is like to learn the art of ceramics at home.

    01/10/2021 | School of Art + Art History + Design
  • How to Set Goals You’ll Actually Achieve

    Whether you want to run a marathon, eat more healthfully or just get off the couch a little more, “for the majority of people, setting a goal is one of the most useful behavior change mechanisms for enhancing performance,” says Frank Smoll, professor of psychology at the UW. “It’s highly individual.” But goal-setting strategies will help you stay the course.

    01/04/2021 | Time
  • UW researcher on how to keep spirits bright in isolation, and not put too much pressure on 2021

    For months, Jonathan Kanter, research associate professor of psychology at the UW, has been leading local and national studies on how people have been coping with quarantines and isolation. Yet he’s not doing any better than the rest of us. Adam Kuczynski, a graduate student in psychology at the UW, is mentioned.

    12/24/2020 | The Seattle Times
  • UW gets $1.8 million for Taiwan Studies Program

    Daniel Kuo-Ching Chen, director general of the Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in Seattle, signed a memorandum of understanding of cooperation with UW President Ana Mari Cauce on Dec. 8. Based on the memorandum, the Taiwan government provided $1.8 million for the UW to strengthen its Taiwan studies program in the Henry M. Jackson School of International Studies and launch a Taiwan arts and culture program.

    12/17/2020 | NW Asian Weekly
  • How to have holidays ‘full of love and connection’ and set goals for 2021

    Jonathan Kanter, director of the Center for the Science of Social Connection, offered UW News some suggestions for a healthy and, yes, happy, holiday season.

    12/16/2020 | UW News
  • How to have holidays ‘full of love and connection’ and set goals for 2021

    Jonathan Kanter, research associate professor of psychology and director of the Center for the Science of Social Connection, explains how to have a joyous holiday season amidst COVID-19.

    12/15/2020 | UW News
  • Hour 2: Don't Worry be Happy

    Jane Simoni, professor of psychology at the UW, talks about the mental health challenges people are experiencing during the winter amidst the pandemic. [Segment begins at :25.]

    12/11/2020 | MyNorthwest
  • Opinion: Pandemic Shaming Can Backfire. Here’s a Better Way.

    Alan Marlatt, a leading addiction researcher and professor of psychology at the UW, is mentioned in this article about applying the principle of harm reduction to COVID-19.

    12/03/2020 | Undark
  • After Prison

    UW Tacoma alum Omari Amili speaks with formerly-incarcerated UW alumni and faculty.

    12/01/2020 | UW Magazine
  • Startup founded by ‘Love Lab’ experts releases new platform and tech tools to assess relationships

    Affective Software Inc., is releasing a new portal and products to harness technology in assessing and improving relationships. Affective Software was co-founded by John Gottman, professor emeritus of psychology at the UW, and Julie Gottman, who found fame with their research-based love and therapy institute and the so-called “Love Lab,” which opened in 1986 at the UW.

    12/01/2020 | GeekWire
  • How Do Octopuses Experience the World?

    An octopus has more neurons in its arms than in its head. It’s difficult to imagine how they perceive the world, but scientists have tried. Dominic Sitivilli, a doctoral student in psychology and astrobiology at the UW, is quoted.

    11/26/2020 | Discover Magazine
  • KOMO-AM (Seattle, WA)

    Jane Simoni, professor of psychology at the UW, gives advice on how to navigate interpersonal conflicts that arise from changing Thanksgiving plans and shares how her own plans have changed.

    11/23/2020 | Muck Rack
  • Alone for the holidays? Here's how to find joy in the solitude

    We know spending the holidays on our own will keep our loved ones healthy. That doesn’t make it any easier. But there’s joy to be found in solitude. We spoke to experts in stress and connection who told us how to navigate the complicated emotions around spending the holidays alone. Jonathan Kanter, research associate professor of psychology at the UW, is quoted.

    11/23/2020 | CNN
  • How Teens Helped Secure Washington's Prop 90 Sex Education Mandate

    One of the last things that Lilienne Shore Kilgore-Brown did during her senior year of high school before the pandemic was travel to Olympia, the capital of Washington, to advocate for state-wide comprehensive sex education. In March, the Washington state legislature passed the legislation that Kilgore-Brown and her peers had advocated for. Nicole McNichols, associate teaching professor of psychology at the UW, is quoted.

    11/19/2020 | Teen Vogue
  • How to Deal With Quarantine-Induced Social Anxiety

    In some ways, you might think that COVID-19 would be a boon for people who relish alone time or who worry in social situations, but as a clinical psychologist, I’m noticing that despite socializing less, many of my clients are stressing more about connecting, writes Jenny Taitz. Marsha Linehan, professor emeritus of psychology at the UW, is referenced.

    11/12/2020 | The New York Times