Internet Blackouts Can Seriously Damage a Country’s Economy
Last year, the world economy lost at least $2.4 billion when governments intentionally shut down their countries’ networks.
Editorial | Moral obligation to not create debtors' traps for poor defendants
Tacking on exorbitant court fines and fees to the criminal conviction of a homeless woman is not justice.
The Sephardic Jewish Brotherhood of America Celebrates Its Centennial
The Sephardic Jewish Brotherhood of America, which first met in a Lower East Side café in 1915, strives to connect to the youth 100 years later.
Crossing the Bosphorus: My Great-Grandmother’s Sephardic Memoir
Dr. Hannah Pressman, Communications Director for the UW Stroum Center for Jewish Studies uncovers the journey of her great-grandmother from the island of Rhodes to Paris.
China Leads The Quantum Race While The West Plays Catch Up
Now that China has launched the world's first quantum communication satellite, the question is will it deliver on its promise.
When politics get personal: Families, friends feud over Clinton vs. Trump
Some couples, friends and relatives in Washington say the presidential campaign season has tangled intimate relationships unlike any before.
4 tips for surviving the Clinton vs. Trump presidential election
Seattle-based sociologist and relationship expert Pepper Schwartz weighs in on how to navigate the Donald Trump-Hillary Clinton divide.
Our political divide makes dialogue crucial, but difficult
At a Seattle Town Hall forum with local scholars, some acknowledged polarization driven by rapid social change makes good politics difficult.
Get smarter than the spin after the first Clinton-Trump debate
Bill Radke talks with UW associate professor Margaret O'Mara and former White House press secretary Scott McClellan about what we learned from the first presidential debate.
Our political divide makes dialogue crucial, but difficult
The discussion Tuesday evening at Town Hall Seattle, “2016 election: How Did We Get Here?,” was sponsored by the UW Alumni Association. -
Trump could win this, UW prof says
Could Trump win? University of Washington political science professor Christopher Parker thinks he can do it, and says race is a factor.
KOMO 4 | Presidential debate
KOMO News interviews Matt McGarrity, principal lecturer of communication at the UW, about whether the conditions of the debate favor one candidate over the other.
What To Read On Trump(ism)
A list of the limited scholarship that could help provide a better understanding of the rise of Donald Trump and Trumpism, i.e. his unique form of radical right politics.
Trump could win this, UW prof says
A number of national polls show Donald Trump gaining ground on Hillary Clinton. Could Trump win? University of Washington political science professor Christopher Parker thinks he can do it. -
Why is Seattle so racially segregated?
KUOW listener David Newman asked the Local Wonder team to look into why Seattle seems so segregated. Jim Gregory, professor of history at the UW, is interviewed.