
  • Analysis: Brain implants to restore sight, like Neuralink’s Blindsight, face a fundamental problem − more pixels don’t ensure better vision

    "Elon Musk recently pronounced that the next Neuralink project will be a “Blindsight” cortical implant to restore vision...Unfortunately, this claim rests on the fallacy that neurons in the brain are like pixels on a screen. It’s not surprising that engineers often assume that “more pixels equals better vision.” After all, that is how monitors and phone screens work," write Ione Fine and Geoffrey Boynton, professors of psychology at the UW.
    08/06/2024 | The Conversation
  • Elon Musk's superhuman vision system looks terrible in simulations

    Elon Musk's ambitious eye implants that "ultimately may exceed normal human vision" are unlikely to reach this lofty benchmark, according to scientists who have used "virtual patients" to expose the limitations of this innovative technology. Even the greatest engineering is no match for human neurophysiology in restoring sight. Ione Fine, professor of psychology at the UW, is quoted.
    07/30/2024 | New Atlas
  • Elon Musk's claims about brain implants for vision get a reality check

    If Elon Musk’s Neuralink brain-implant venture succeeds in its effort to create next-generation brain implants for artificial vision, the devices could bring about a breakthrough for the visually impaired — but probably wouldn’t match Musk’s claim that they could provide “better than normal vision,” UW researchers report. Ione Fine and Geoffrey Boynton, professors of psychology at the UW, are quoted.
    07/30/2024 | GeekWire
  • How science went to the dogs (and cats)

    Pets were once dismissed as trivial scientific subjects. Today, companion animal science is hot. Daniel Promislow, professor of biology and of laboratory medicine and pathology at the UW, is quoted.
    07/01/2024 | The New York Times
  • New Faculty Spotlight: Oliver Rollins

    "I am a qualitative sociologist who works on issues of race/racism in and through science and technology. Specifically, my work is situated within a growing new area of inquiry, the sociology of the neurosciences." Oliver Rollins, assistant professor of American ethnic studies at the UW, is featured.

    06/28/2024 | UW Research
  • Babies hear far more speech at home than music

    A recent study from the UW has revealed some unexpected findings that might make you rethink your baby’s playlist — or lack thereof. Christina Zhao, research assistant professor of speech and hearing sciences at the UW, is quoted.
    06/06/2024 |
  • Infants hear significantly more speech than music at home, UW study finds

    A new University of Washington study, published in Developmental Science, is the first to compare the amount of music and speech that children hear in infancy. Results showed that infants hear more spoken language than music, with the gap widening as the babies get older. Naja Ferjan Ramírez, assistant professor of linguistics, is a co-author of the study.

    05/30/2024 | UW News
  • Do dying people have a 'right to try' psilocybin or magic mushrooms?

    Do dying patients have a “right to try” illegal drugs such as psilocybin and MDMA if they might alleviate end-of-life suffering from anxiety and depression? Dr. Sunil Aggarwal, clinical assistant professor in the UW School of Medicine, is quoted.
    05/01/2024 | Los Angeles Times
  • OPINION | Beyond the Score: Funding the Future of Arts Education in Washington

    While music is often praised for enhancing academic performance, its role in health is far more important, especially given the recent uptick in youth mental health issues. Beyond music therapy, research indicates that music participation and education supports the development of children’s emotional intelligence, creativity, and physical and mental health. A guest editorial by School of Music master's student Nicole Stankovic.

    04/10/2024 | South Seattle Emerald
  • Transplant organ freezing and rewarming technique wins UW health innovation challenge

    A team working on prolonging the lifespan of transplant organs took home the top prize in the 9th annual Hollomon Health Innovation Challenge at the UW. BioLegacy, made up of Seattle University and UW finance, mechanical engineering, and chemistry students, was awarded the $15,000 WRF Capital Grand Prize for its organ cryopreservation and rewarming innovation. The team was one of 22 that competed in this year’s final round of competition at the UW Foster School’s Buerk Center for Entrepreneurship. Other UW projects are mentioned.
    03/01/2024 | GeekWire
  • Ozempic, Mounjaro users talk about changes to family life after weight loss

    "Impact x Nightline" takes a look at the social effects of weight loss drugs. Pepper Schwartz, professor of sociology at the UW, is quoted.
    03/01/2024 | ABC News
  • A fading weapon in the HIV fight: Condoms

    Some H.I.V. experts worry that the public health focus on prevention medication has accelerated a decline in condom use. Steven Goodreau, professor of anthropology at the UW, is quoted.
    02/28/2024 | The New York Times
  • How a Chemistry Lab is Transforming Clinical Research

    Ashleigh Theberge's UW lab creates bioanalytical chemistry tools. Some are transforming how clinical studies can be conducted. 

    February 2024 Perspectives
  • A Closer Look at Teens & Digital Technology

    The impact of digital technology on teens' mental health is the focus of a new course developed by Lucia Magis-Weinberg in the UW Department of Psychology.

    February 2024 Perspectives
  • Happiness boosters: Smiles, gratitude, a wandering walk

    While the seasons and our genetic dispositions play a role in our ability to feel happiness, our daily actions and choices also have a significant effect, experts say. Milla Titova, assistant teaching professor of psychology at the UW, is quoted.
    Axios Seattle