
  • Why some biologists and ecologists think social media is a risk to humanity

    While some social scientists, journalists and activists have been raising concerns about how social media is affecting our democracy, mental health and relationships, we haven’t seen biologists and ecologists weighing in as much. That’s changed with a new paper published in the prestigious science journal PNAS earlier this month, titled “Stewardship of global collective behavior.” The UW’s Joe Bak-Coleman, a postdoctoral researcher at the Center for an Informed Public, and Carl Bergstrom, professor of biology, are interviewed.

    06/26/2021 | Vox
  • Experts Are Worried About “Deepfake Geography”

    Researchers warn that phony satellite imagery could become a common and dangerous mode of disinformation. Bo Zhao, assistant professor of geography at the UW, is quoted.

    06/25/2021 | Discover Magazine
  • From the assistant director’s desk: Updates on the Sephardic Studies Digital Collection

    New updates to the Sephardic Studies Digital Collection, a "virtual bookshelf" with more than 140,000 pages of published Ladino works.

    06/25/2021 | Stroum Center for Jewish Studies
  • Communication technology, study of collective behavior must be ‘crisis discipline,’ researchers argue

    Our ability to confront global crises, from pandemics to climate change, depends on how we interact and share information. Social media and other forms of communication technology restructure these interactions in ways that have consequences. Unfortunately, we have little insight into whether these changes will bring about a healthy, sustainable and equitable world. As a result, researchers now say that the study of collective behavior must rise to a “crisis discipline,” just like medicine, conservation and climate science have done, according to a new paper published this month.

    06/14/2021 | UW News
  • The Movement to Protect Your Mind From Brain-Computer Technologies

    Recording memories, reading thoughts and manipulating what another person sees through a device in their brain may seem like science fiction plots about a distant and troubled future. But a team of multi-disciplinary researchers say the first steps to inventing these technologies have already arrived. They want to put in place safeguards for our most precious biological possessions: our mind. Sara Goering, professor of philosophy at the UW, is quoted.

    05/31/2021 | Gizmodo
  • Deepfake Maps Could Really Mess With Your Sense of the World

    In a paper published online last month, Bo Zhao, assistant professor of geography at the UW, employed AI techniques similar to those used to create so-called deepfakes to alter satellite images of several cities. Zhao and colleagues swapped features between images of Seattle and Beijing to show buildings where there are none in Seattle and to remove structures and replace them with greenery in Beijing.

    05/28/2021 | Wired
  • The Military Is Creating a ‘Gig Eagle’ App to Uber-ize Its Workforce

    The Defense Innovation Unit, an organization within the U.S. Department of Defense focused on adopting commercial technology, is building an Uber-like app called “Gig Eagle” to match part-time service members possessing private sector experience with program managers. Margaret O'Mara, professor of history at the UW, is quoted.

    05/20/2021 | Vice
  • A Network of Two

    HBO Max’s sci-fi series "Made for Love" reveals the dangers of a controversial new technology. Sara Goering, professor of philosophy at the UW, is quoted.

    05/19/2021 | Inverse
  • The Lack Of EV Charging Stations Could Limit EV Growth

    Aseem Prakash, professor of political science, explains how a shortage of charging stations may limit the potential of electric vehicles.

    05/05/2021 | Forbes
  • How the Starlink satellites spotted over western Washington can interfere with astronomer’s research

    It appears satellites from a SpaceX launch danced in the night sky over western Washington Tuesday, catching the attention of stargazers once again. People shared photos and videos on social media just after 9 p.m. Tuesday showing a long streak of lights moving through the sky. James Davenport, research assistant professor of astronomy at the UW, is interviewed.

    05/05/2021 | King 5 News
  • How Starlink, Project Kuiper and other satellite broadband providers could change society

    Imagine a world where high-speed internet blankets every corner of the globe, transforming the way people access health care, education and entertainment. That’s the promise of up-and-coming satellite broadband — an ambitious and controversial plan to connect far reaches of the planet. Saadia Pekkanen, professor of international studies at the UW, is interviewed on the “2025: Tomorrow, Today” podcast.

    05/01/2021 | GeekWire
  • Why ‘deepfake geography’ presents significant risks — and how researchers are detecting it

    Techniques such as “location spoofing” and deepfake geography present significant risks for our increasingly connected society. Because of this, a team of researchers at University of Washington are working to identify ways to detect these fakes, as well as proposing the creation of a geographic fact-checking system. Bo Zhao, assistant professor of geography at the UW, is quoted.

    04/26/2021 | GeekWire
  • Deepfake tech takes on satellite maps

    While the concept of “deepfakes,” or AI-generated synthetic imagery, has been decried primarily in connection with involuntary depictions of people, the technology is dangerous (and interesting) in other ways as well. For instance, researchers have shown that it can be used to manipulate satellite imagery to produce real-looking — but totally fake — overhead maps of cities. Bo Zhao, assistant professor of geography at the UW, is quoted.

    04/22/2021 | Tech Crunch
  • A growing problem of ‘deepfake geography’: How AI falsifies satellite images

    Bo Zhao, assistant professor of geography, has authored a new study on deepfake geography.

    04/21/2021 | UW News
  • Q&A: It’s not just social media — misinformation can spread in scientific communication too

    Biology Professor Carl Bergstrom has released a new paper discussing how scientific communication has the potential to spread misinformation.

    04/21/2021 | UW News