Undergraduate Education

  • Students Collaborate with Seniors for Anthropology Project

    Working in teams with seniors from the Pike Market Senior Center, students in a course on qualitative research methods learned to embrace the "organized chaos" that is field research.

    May 2010 Perspectives
  • Dancing Lessons in Yakima

    As part of a Dance Program course on teaching methods, UW undergraduates traveled to Yakima to teach dance to high school teens involved in the GEAR UP Program. 

    May 2010 Perspectives
  • Academic Learning Links

    Most undergraduates arrive at the UW with only a vague understanding of various academic disciplines and the distinct perspective that each provides. A&S hopes to increase students' awareness of various disciplines through Academic Learning Links, a pilot project for freshmen. 

    February 2010 Perspectives
  • Cultural History, One Stiletto at a Time

    Students in the course ”Fashion, Nation, and Culture” may never look at a three-piece suit the same way again. Or stilettos. Or any other article of clothing. The course explores Italian culture from the late medieval period through the present day through the study of clothing. 

    February 2010 Perspectives
  • Students Design Prosthetic Arms, Seek Innovative Solutions

    Working closely with a Seattle artist with a prosthetic left arm, undergraduates majoring in industrial design tackled an unusual challenge in class last quarter, developing innovative designs for prosthetics.

    February 2010 Perspectives
  • A Course Celebrates Writers and Writing

    How's this for a course assignment? Fall in love with a novel and three poems. The assignment hints at what's to come in Writers on Writing, a lecture course designed to remind students that "literature is a joy." 

    December 2009 Perspectives
  • Students Create Course About Mixed Identities

    Wanting more discussion of mixed-race and mixed-identity issues in their classes, an ambitious group of undergraduates created and taught their own course on the subject. 

    July 2009 Perspectives
  • Students and Community Partners Collaborate Through GIS Course

    Using GIS technology, geography students collaborate with community partners on projects ranging from siting Pea Patch gardens to analyzing K-12 student philanthropy. 

    July 2009 Perspectives
  • Finnish Gets a Degree

    A bachelor of arts in Finnish has been approved, providing a new option for students without additional cost to the University. 

    March 2009 Perspectives
  • A&S Advisers: Connecting Students to Arts & Sciences

    While A&S advisers guide students through the UW's myriad offerings, they also work with faculty on curriculum planning, create opportunities for alums to talk with current students, and more. Related stories: Career Discovery Week | Advisory Group of A&S Advisers 

    September 2008 Perspectives
  • Now Showing--at a Department Near You

    The College has seen a dramatic increase in film-related courses and programs in the past decade, ranging from classes on film genres and directors to courses on digital cinema production. 

    July 2008 Perspectives
  • Greek Mythology on the Big Screen

    In the Classics course "Classic Mythology Through Film," students study cinematic versions of ancient myths.

    July 2008 Perspectives
  • Native Voices

    Though the Native Voices program, students create film documentaries involving Indigenous research.

    July 2008 Perspectives
  • Studying Fair Labor, with a Husky Twist

    Students in the Jackson School's Responsible Apparel Purchasing task force explored labor issues related to the production of apparel that bears a University of Washington logo. Related stories: The President as Evaluator

    July 2008 Perspectives
  • Task Force Program Goes Silver

    The Jackson School’s Task Force Program celebrates 25 years.

    July 2008 Perspectives