Undergraduate Education

  • A Week of Sharing in the Yakima Valley

    Through two School of Music courses, a group of UW students traveled to Washington's Yakima Valley to teach--and learn from--K-12 students. 

    March 2007 Perspectives
  • A Global Reach for Advisers

    Eighteen UW advisers joined students for Explorations Seminars in far-flung locations like China, Costa Rica, and New Zealand, to experience the seminars firsthand. 

    October 2006 Perspectives
  • Surviving the Senior Thesis

    For departments that require a senior thesis, the benefits for all involved are substantial. 

    July 2006 Perspectives
  • A Pow Wow Primer

    American Indian Studies offers a course on the history and significance of pow wow, which includes working on one of the University's two annual pow wow events. 

    March 2006 Perspectives
  • Dance for Everyone -- and Every Body

    A new class in integrated dance brings together dancers of varying abilities, including several who use wheelchairs. 

    October 2004 Perspectives
  • Exploring the World

    Through Exploration Seminars, UW faculty and undergraduates travel to various parts of the globe to study a subject in depth for one month. 

    October 2004 Perspectives
  • Students, Clients, and Dozens of Rugs

    Through a new course, School of Art students designed rugs for clients and had them woven in Nepal. 

    July 2004 Perspectives
  • Dr. Seuss, with a Guatemalan Touch

    UW students in a 200-level Spanish class have written books, in Spanish, for the children of Panajachel, Guatemala. 

    July 2004 Perspectives
  • The Rhythms of Ghana

    A new program in Ghana combines courses, frequent field trips, and independent research to introduce students to the complexities of Ghanaian society. 

    March 2004 Perspectives
  • Staging a Tragedy

    In a course offered by the Department of Classics and School of Drama, students study Euripides' Helen--and then perform it. 

    March 2004 Perspectives
  • Alexie's Lesson: Question Everything

    Award-winning author Sherman Alexie joins the Department of American Ethnic Studies as a senior artist-in-residence.

    October 2003 Perspectives
  • Discovery from Day One

    Created specifically for freshmen, Discovery Seminars help students understand the process of discovery that is at the heart of a UW education. 

    October 2003 Perspectives
  • Celebrating the College's Top Graduates

    Meet the Dean's Medalists for 2002, representing the top student in each of the College's four divisions. 

    July 2002 Perspectives
  • An Insider's View of State Politics

    UW undergraduates in the Legislative Internship Program spend winter quarter in Olympia, learning the intricacies of state politics as they intern for legislators. 

    July 2002 Perspectives