A Week of Sharing in the Yakima Valley
Through two School of Music courses, a group of UW students traveled to Washington's Yakima Valley to teach--and learn from--K-12 students.
A Global Reach for Advisers
Eighteen UW advisers joined students for Explorations Seminars in far-flung locations like China, Costa Rica, and New Zealand, to experience the seminars firsthand.
Surviving the Senior Thesis
For departments that require a senior thesis, the benefits for all involved are substantial.
A Pow Wow Primer
American Indian Studies offers a course on the history and significance of pow wow, which includes working on one of the University's two annual pow wow events.
Dance for Everyone -- and Every Body
A new class in integrated dance brings together dancers of varying abilities, including several who use wheelchairs.
Exploring the World
Through Exploration Seminars, UW faculty and undergraduates travel to various parts of the globe to study a subject in depth for one month.
Students, Clients, and Dozens of Rugs
Through a new course, School of Art students designed rugs for clients and had them woven in Nepal.
Dr. Seuss, with a Guatemalan Touch
UW students in a 200-level Spanish class have written books, in Spanish, for the children of Panajachel, Guatemala.
The Rhythms of Ghana
A new program in Ghana combines courses, frequent field trips, and independent research to introduce students to the complexities of Ghanaian society.
Staging a Tragedy
In a course offered by the Department of Classics and School of Drama, students study Euripides' Helen--and then perform it.
Alexie's Lesson: Question Everything
Award-winning author Sherman Alexie joins the Department of American Ethnic Studies as a senior artist-in-residence.
Discovery from Day One
Created specifically for freshmen, Discovery Seminars help students understand the process of discovery that is at the heart of a UW education.
Celebrating the College's Top Graduates
Meet the Dean's Medalists for 2002, representing the top student in each of the College's four divisions.
An Insider's View of State Politics
UW undergraduates in the Legislative Internship Program spend winter quarter in Olympia, learning the intricacies of state politics as they intern for legislators.