What a decade’s worth of whale poop tells researchers about their health
The killer whale population is the only whale listed as endangered by the federal government – only 75 of them remain. Deborah Giles, research scientist at the UW Center for Conservation Biology, discusses the threats they face and how her dog’s nose for sniffing killer whale poop is unlocking valuable data about their health and survival. [This is the third segment on “The Record”]
05/05/2021 | KUOW -
STEM classes don’t teach engineers how to think
"It’s no secret that the media eagerly reports potential technical breakthroughs with hyperventilating headlines ... [but] the media often fails to clearly indicate the preliminary nature of the findings they trumpet. Even worse, they seldom report when the studies they hyped previously fail to pan out," writes Executive Editor Leland Teschler. The UW's Jevin West, associate professor in the UW Information School, and Carl Bergstrom, professor of biology at the UW, are quoted.
05/05/2021 | Design World -
The Lack Of EV Charging Stations Could Limit EV Growth
Aseem Prakash, professor of political science, explains how a shortage of charging stations may limit the potential of electric vehicles.
05/05/2021 | Forbes -
FASER is born: new experiment will study particles that interact with dark matter
Several UW faculty members, researchers, and students are involved in the FASER collaboration, which studies interactions of high-energy particles.
05/05/2021 | UW News -
Shift away from herd immunity goal
Carl Bergstrom, professor of biology at the UW, says that even if we never reach herd immunity, dealing with COVID-19 will become more manageable with time.
05/04/2021 | KPTV-TV -
Property records still contains racist language
Racial covenants prohibited people of certain races, nationalities and religions from living in Seattle neighborhoods. A recently passed bill provides funding for the UW to search for these covenants and notify property owners. James Gregory, professor of history at the UW, is mentioned.
05/04/2021 | KOMO-AM -
W. Royal Stokes, who chronicled Washington jazz scene for The Post, dies at 90
W. Royal Stokes, who received a bachelor’s degree in history in 1958 and a master’s degree in classics in 1960 from the University of Washington and later taught classics at the UW, has passed away.
05/04/2021 | The Washington Post -
Genetic tricks of the longest-lived animals
Daniel Promislow, professor of biology, explains the insights into longevity we can get from dogs.
05/04/2021 | Knowable Magazine -
Star Wars Day: Watch Out Tatooine! Five Binary Stars Could Be Hiding Earth-Like Planets That Support Life
Scientists researching nine binary star systems — like our solar system but with two suns — have revealed that five have “habitable zones” that could host Earth-like planets. Siegfried Eggl, a research scientist in astronomy at the UW, is quoted.
05/03/2021 | Forbes -
Reaching ‘Herd Immunity’ Is Unlikely in the U.S., Experts Now Believe
More than half of adults in the United States have been inoculated with at least one dose of a vaccine. But daily vaccination rates are slipping, and there is widespread consensus among scientists and public health experts that the herd immunity threshold is not attainable — at least not in the foreseeable future, and perhaps not ever. Carl Bergstrom, professor of biology at the UW, is quoted.
05/03/2021 | The New York Times