Racist restrictions in old home deeds across Washington state will get expanded scrutiny
A bill state lawmakers passed this month directs UW and Eastern Washington University to search for racial covenants in home deeds and notify property owners when their homes are affected. James Gregory, professor of history at the UW, is quoted.
05/03/2021 | The Seattle Times -
An Artist Was Targeted in a Hate Crime. So She Designed a Video Game
The pandemic saw a spike in xenophobia against Asians. Digital artist Chanee Choi, a doctoral student in digital arts and experimental media at the UW, decided to fight back in a way only she could.
05/03/2021 | Wired -
ArtSci Roundup: Drive-In at On the Boards, The Engine Room Residencies: The Black Tones, and More
This week at the UW, attend a Sports & Civil Rights History Panel, Drive-In at On the Boards, and more.
05/03/2021 | UW News -
When People Say "Support APIA," Do They Really Mean Pacific Islanders, Too?
As a group, Asian Pacific Islander Americans contain multitudes: East Asians, South Asians, Polynesians, Micronesians, Melanesians. We come from wildly different regions and distinct cultural backgrounds. How did we get grouped together in the first place? And will we always remain this way? Rick Bonus, professor of American ethnic studies at the UW, is quoted.
05/01/2021 | Popsugar -
How Starlink, Project Kuiper and other satellite broadband providers could change society
Imagine a world where high-speed internet blankets every corner of the globe, transforming the way people access health care, education and entertainment. That’s the promise of up-and-coming satellite broadband — an ambitious and controversial plan to connect far reaches of the planet. Saadia Pekkanen, professor of international studies at the UW, is interviewed on the “2025: Tomorrow, Today” podcast.
05/01/2021 | GeekWire -
Unleashing the Superpower of Dogs
Samuel Wasser, research professor of biology and Director of the Center for Conservation Biology, discusses the role that dogs play in his research.
University of Washington -
Psychology finds expanded home at Kincaid Hall
The former home of Biology is now the centralized and renovated location for the UW Psychology Department.
May 2021 Perspectives -
Opinion: Bill Gates’ new book has some worthy advice
"Bill Gates has published an important book on an urgent topic, How to Avoid Climate Disaster. It’s mostly about energy, as it needs to be, so I want to discuss it," writes Scott Montgomery, lecturer of international studies at the UW.
04/30/2021 | The Global Policy Journal -
Burkina Faso fighters seek protection with spiritual rituals
Fighters in Burkina Faso are putting their faith in traditional spiritual practices to protect them as attacks linked to al-Qaida and the Islamic State ravage the West African nation, killing thousands and displacing more than 1 million people. Daniel Hoffman, professor of international studies at the UW, is quoted.
04/29/2021 | AP News -
6 UW-affiliated researchers elected to the National Academy of Sciences
Randall LeVeque, professor emeritus of applied mathematics, and Julie Theriot, professor of biology, have been elected to the National Academy of Sciences.
04/29/2021 | UW News