Bringing Science Education to Vanuatu
A biology professor encouraged Jacob Ball to push beyond "comfortable" teaching. Now Ball is doing that halfway around the world.
December 2019 Perspectives -
A Champion, a Knight, and Other Honors
A roundup of recent awards in the College of Arts & Sciences.
December 2019 Perspectives -
CAS in the News
A sampling of recent stories in local and national media featuring College of Arts & Sciences faculty and alumni.
December 2019 Perspectives -
Coming Events in CAS
Check out some of the exciting upcoming College of Arts & Sciences events.
December 2019 Perspectives -
Seattle’s overlooked Jewish history
Dr. Devin Naar, chair of the Sephardic studies program at the Jackson School, discusses Ladino, a language spoken by Sephardic Jews, many of whom lived in the Seattle area.
12/03/2019 -
UW Graduate School to get first Indigenous studies program
The University of Washington's graduate school will be getting a new Indigenous studies program, housed within the College of Arts and Sciences.
12/03/2019 | The Daily -
International studies professor Donald Hellmann to receive Japan government’s Order of the Rising Sun — highest honor for scholars
Donald Hellman, professor at the Jackson School of International Studies will be awarded Japan's highest honor for scholars.
12/03/2019 | UW News -
Amazon Critics Rally at Bezos NYC Penthouse for Cyber Monday
History Professor Margaret O'Mara, discusses why activists are criticizing Amazon.
12/02/2019 | Bloomberg -
Faculty/staff honors: Housing association nod, honorary doctorate, distinguished fellow, best conference paper
Professor at the Jackson School of International Studies, Daniel Chirot, has been awarded an honorary doctorate from the University of Bucharest.
12/02/2019 | UW News -
The Octopus from Outer Space
Dominic Sivitilli, psychology graduate student, discusses research into giant Pacific octopi.
12/02/2019 | SeattleMet