18 Best Things to Do in Seattle in December 2019
The Henry Art Gallery's exhibition "In Plain Sight" and a show by creative research fellow Daniel Alexander Jones are featured in this list of things to do this month.
12/31/2019 | Seattle Magazine -
Best of 2019: Seattle Museum and Art Space Openings
The new and re-designed Burke Musuem "celebrates transparency" in unique ways.
12/31/2019 | Seattle Magazine -
OPINION: ‘Beyond Bollywood’ exhibit at MOHAI looks at the contributions of Indian Americans
English lecturer Sharmila Mukherjee reviews a new exhibit on the Indian immigrant identity at MOHAI.
12/30/2019 | Seattle Times -
Year in Science: Revisit a black hole and other sights that weren't seen before 2019
The Burke Museum has re-opened with re-designed exhibits and new artifacts for visitors to explore.
12/30/2019 | Geek Wire -
Study: Transgender Children Recognize Their Authentic Gender At Early Age, Just Like Other Kids
A UW study, the largest of its kind, has found that transgender children experience their gender identity as much as cisgender children.
12/29/2019 | Forbes -
Marcie Sillman's culture picks: Looking back at the year and the decade in Seattle arts
The newly re-opened Burke Museum has many unique features--including the ability for visitors to see researchers at work.
12/27/2019 | KUOW -
OPINION: 2020 New Year’s Resolution: Fly Less
Aseem Prakash, political science professor, makes the case for flying less in 2020.
12/26/2019 | Forbes -
7 memorable Seattle theater moments of the 2010s
This round up of the best Seattle theater moments of the decade included several shout-outs to Drama faculty and alums.
12/26/2019 | The Seattle Times -
Transgender children sense their gender identities at young ages
A new UW study found that transgender children have as strong a sense of their gender identity as their cisgender peers.
12/25/2019 | Reuters -
This Year in Focus: 19 for 2019
Students and professors show the diverse research, opportunities, and learning at the UW through this photoset.
12/23/2019 | University of Washington