Cheap oil is blocking progress on climate change
Analysis from international studies lecturer, Scott Montgomery
12/13/2018 | The Conversation -
Seattle artist seeks utopia through stories about grandma
Through his G'ma Project, artist Che Sehyun (BA, English, CHID | BS, Biology, 2011) is honoring elders, ancestors and culture.
12/10/2018 | Crosscut -
Ancient whale named for UW paleontologist Elizabeth Nesbitt
A newly discovered species of whale — found preserved in ancient rock on the Oregon coast — has been named for a University of Washington paleontologist.
12/10/2018 | UW News -
Faculty Friday: Lotta Gavel Adams
UW Scandinavian Studies Department's Lotta Gavel Adams unfolds the evolution of trolls in literature from fearsome forest-dwellers to friendly beings—and back again.
12/07/2018 | The Whole U -
The End of Privacy Began in the 1960s
Choices that Congress made decades ago allowed tech giants to become as powerful as they are according to UW history professor Margaret O'Mara.
12/05/2018 | The New York Times -
Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Trolls
A UW professor offers a complete history of Scandinavia's mythical beasts.
12/05/2018 | The Stranger -
5 Ways to (Legally) Blow Off Steam
Arts & Sciences students share their ideas for relieving stress.
12/03/2018 | College of Arts & Sciences -
At the UW, our sci-fi future has arrived
Science fiction has come alive in our modern world. Current projects at the UW show that some literary fantasies will soon be reality.
11/30/2018 | UW Columns -
Parents learn, babies talk: How coaching moms and dads leads to better language skills among infants
Institute for Learning & Brain Sciences study shows that parents who speak “parentese” can have a direct impact on their children’s vocabulary.
11/29/2018 | UW News -
Lessons for Washington from a carbon-tax autopsy
Op-ed by Nives Dolsak, marine and environmental affairs; Aseem Prakash and Steven Karceski, Center for Environmental Politics
11/29/2018 | Crosscut