A Golden Goose, NEA Art Works, and More Awards
A roundup of recent awards in the College of Arts & Sciences.
November 2018 Perspectives -
Playing with Fire
With ingenuity and perseverance, faculty and staff built the UW glass program one kiln at a time.
November 2018 Perspectives -
Searching for Life in the Great Beyond
Wondering if we've got neighbors? UW astrobiologists are looking for signs of life elsewhere in the Universe.
November 2018 Perspectives -
After a bad winter in the ocean, female Magellanic penguins suffer most, study shows
Every autumn in the Southern Hemisphere, Magellanic penguins leave their coastal nesting sites in South America. For adults, their summer task — breeding, or at least trying to — is complete. Newly fledged chicks and adults gradually head out to sea to spend the winter feeding. They won’t return to land until spring.
11/13/2018 -
5 Things UW Seniors Wish They'd Known Sooner
Advice for first-year students from those who've been there.
11/13/2018 | College of Arts & Sciences -
The Trouble with Sympathy
A Germanics course explores how sympathy can be used for good but can also serve a darker purpose.
November 2018 Perspectives -
Waging War in Cyberspace
A doctoral student explains how one online hacker can be more powerful than 10,000 soldiers.
November 2018 Perspectives -
Burke Museum will close out old building and 2018 at the same time
The old Burke’s last hurrah will be a New Years Eve party.
11/09/2018 | Curbed Seattle -
Possibly oldest deer jaw in North America found in Ellensburg
After spending roughly 4.9 million years in Ellensburg, the jaw bone of deer is making its way to the collection at the Burke Museum on the University of Washington campus in Seattle.
11/08/2018 | Daily Record News -
Electing a Record Number of Women to Congress Is Great. But It’s Not the Goal
Margaret O'Mara, a professor at the UW who studies U.S. electoral history weighs in on the gender breakdown in the recent elections.
11/07/2018 | Bloomberg Business Week