Geckos evolve rapidly in Brazil after new dam constructed
The construction of a dam in central Brazil has spurred remarkably fast evolution of geckos in the region. Raymond Huey, an evolutionary biologist at the UW, is quoted.
08/01/2017 | Science -
Military's transgender challenges are reminder of race, gender struggles
For UW History professor, Nathan Roberts, past is prologue.
07/28/2017 | Q13 -
Donate your voice so Siri doesn’t just work for white men
“Historically, most collections of speech and language tend to be more male and white and middle class,” says UW Linguistics prof. Rachael Tatman.
07/28/2017 -
Run-up to revolution: Early American history seen through the stage in Odai Johnson’s book ‘London in a Box’
The true cultural tipping point in the run-up to the American Revolution might not have been the Boston Tea Party, but Congress' decision to close the theaters in British America.
07/28/2017 -
Hands free music
Dr. Thomas Duell, a neurologist at Swedish Medical Center and a music professor at UW, invented an instrument that reads the electrical activity of the brain and turns it into musical notes.
07/28/2017 | KOMO 4 -
Plight of immigrants brought to light in ambitious Tacoma Art Museum show
A new exhibition featuring UW art professor Zhi Lin at the Tacoma Art Museum focuses on a time in history when U.S. society rejected immigrants.
07/28/2017 | The Seattle Times -
Even babies can tell who's the boss, UW research says
Social hierarchy may be so naturally ingrained, that toddlers as young as 17 months old can perceive who is dominant and also anticipate that the dominant person will receive more rewards.
07/27/2017 | UW Today -
11 UW students receive Fulbright scholarships in 2017-18
Congratulations to the nine 17-18 Fulbright recipients from the College of Arts and Sciences!
07/27/2017 | UW News -
Half of our galaxy might come from other galaxies
It turns out that, if new estimates are right, half of the atoms in our galaxy could have been stolen from other galaxies. Jessica Werk, assistant professor of astronomy at the UW, is quoted.
07/27/2017 | Gizmodo -
Half the atoms inside your body came from across the universe
Half of the atoms making up everything around you are intergalactic interlopers. Jessica Werk, assistant professor of astronomy at the UW, is quoted.
07/27/2017 | New Scientist