Women's Center Leads Anti-Human Trafficking Efforts
A Women's Center report addresses human trafficking in Washington state.
July 2017 Perspectives -
Malaria's Puzzling Variations in India
An international team is studying malaria in India, where malaria parasites are more diverse than anywhere else.
July 2017 Perspectives -
A New Tool for Studying Cancer Cells
Future cancer patients may have Dan Fu to thank for their individualized cancer treatment.
07/19/2017 | Perspectives -
Artifacts suggest humans arrived in Australia earlier than thought
A team of researchers, including a faculty member and seven students from UW, have found artifacts in Australia that indicate humans arrived there about 65,000 years ago.
07/19/2017 -
Bilingual babies: Study shows how exposure to a foreign language ignites infants’ learning
A new study by I-LABS researchers, is among the first to investigate how babies can learn a second language outside of the home.
07/18/2017 | UW Today -
Women of color face staggering harassment in space science
Forty percent of women of color said that they felt unsafe in their current job as a result of harassment about their gender.
07/13/2017 | The Washington Post -
You can play this musical instrument with just your thoughts
Good news for people who hate practicing scales: scientists have created a musical instrument you can play with just your thoughts.
07/13/2017 | The Verge -
Give us a break, plead Seattle’s maligned millennials
If their detractors are to be believed, they’re to blame for almost everything, but Seattle millennials say the world’s woes are not their fault.
07/06/2017 | The Seattle Times -
Why do two-thirds of killer whale pregnancies fail?
The Southern Resident killer whales are a genetically distinct population, and they are considered critically endangered with only an estimated 78 individuals left.
07/06/2017 | Mother Nature Network