Playing Mind Games, for Science
A question-and-answer game tests the potential for direct brain-to-brain connection.
August 2016 Perspectives -
From the Dean
A&S faculty, students, and alumni are making remarkable breakthroughs in our understanding of the brain.
August 2016 Perspectives -
A Marriage of Art & Neuroscience
DXARTS faculty and students find artistic inspiration in the tools of neuroscience.
August 2016 Perspectives -
Siri, Can I Be More Human?
What does it take to prove that you are more human than a computer? A&S alum Brian Christian (MFA, Creative Writing, 2008) finds out.
August 2016 Perspectives -
Here’s what many journalists missed when covering the Brexit vote
"The Brexit vote surprised many observers. Most pollsters and financial analysts incorrectly predicted the final outcome.08/04/2016 | The Washington Post -
Stay Woke—With Help From A Bot
Black Lives Matter activist DeRay Mckesson teams up with artist Darius Kazemi to create a Twitter bot with a mission — and a personality.08/04/2016 | Fastco Company -
Seattle-area women: Clinton nomination an emotional milestone, but double standard endures
Whatever their position on the Democratic spectrum, women around Puget Sound viewed Hillary Clinton’s acceptance of the party’s presidential nomination as a moment that will redefine American ideas.07/28/2016 | Seattle Times -
Think these conventions were bad for unity? You should have been watching in 1924
Bill Radke talks to UW history professor Margaret O'Mara about unity at the Democratic and Republican National Conventions and how the elections of the past compare to the 2016 conventions.07/28/2016 | KUOW -
Zombie Carbon Emissions Haunt the Planet
Decomposing trees release a huge volume of lagging CO2, killing species and hobbling efforts to fight global warming.07/28/2016 | Bloomberg -
Washington Scientist Launches Effort to Digitize All Fish
UW biology professor Adam Summers installed a small computed tomography, or CT, scanner at the UW's Friday Harbor Laboratories and launched an ambitious project.07/27/2016 | New York Times