Planet hunters seek new ways to detect alien life
Astrobiologists debate which chemical signatures would hint at life on other worlds.07/27/2016 | Nature -
Why so few women have run for president of the United States
Bill Radke talks to University of Washington history professor Margaret O'Mara about the historic significance of Hillary Clinton's nomination and why so few women have sought the highest office.07/27/2016 | KUOW -
Power struggle: Preservationists go nuclear at University of Washington
The demolition last week of the old nuclear reactor building on the UW campus has exposed the base of old concrete foundations and plenty of twisted rebar.07/27/2016 | KUOW -
Former Oregon Lumber Town Rides Digital Wave to a Comeback
A former logging town in Oregon is now home to a few large data centers for Facebook and Apple. The shift in industry is forcing the town of 9,000 to diversify jobs.07/26/2016 | New York Times -
Two UW Japan Studies professors to discuss their new books on Japanese society and politics
On Thursday at 7 p.m. two professors from the UW Japan studies program, Andrea Gevurtz Arai and Davinder Bhowmik, will be at the Elliott Bay Book Company to discuss their recent books.07/26/2016 | International Examiner -
Innovative Fins Harness Solar Energy
UW Campus Sustainability Fund awarded $150,000 to install building integrated photovoltaics (BIPV) and rooftop photovoltaics (PV) on the new Life Sciences Building.
07/25/2016 | csf.uw.edu -
Post-convention, Washington Republicans still split over Trump
After the rock music subsided and balloons were swept off the convention floor, divisions remained among state Republicans who had traveled to Cleveland.07/23/2016 | Seattle Times -
Can this protein cure cancer? Scientists have learned to block tumor 'messages' in human cells
Researchers from the University of Washington and the University of Trento in Italy have engineered a protein that blocks cancer-promoting “messages” in human cells. Gabriele Varani, professor of chem07/22/2016 | Inquisitir -
A Year to Be Forgotten
"Those who forget history, it's been said, are condemned to repeat it. We're barely through the halfway point, however, and 2016's already been a year many people would rather forget,"07/22/2016 | US News -
The Worst Convention in U.S. History?
Politico Magazine decided to find out if the recent Republican National Convention was the worst in history.07/22/2016 | Politico