Superpowers show their cards with military units for outer space
There are a number of ways to gauge contemporary trends in the militarization of space. One way is to look at how countries develop and test dual-use space technologies.
09/28/2015 | Forbes -
DIY: Sound Effect, Episode 38
Sound Effect welcomes back Jana Mohr Lone, who heads the University of Washington’s Center for Philosophy for Children and uses books as a springboard for philosophical questions about identity.09/26/2015 | KPLU -
The new culture wars
Changing demographics have both literally and figuratively altered the face of the nation. Mark Smith, UW professor of political science, is quoted.09/26/2015 | U.S. News & World Report -
A Stellar Anniversary for Astronomy
The Department of Astronomy celebrates its 50th anniversary with lectures, a concert, and—just maybe—an exploding star.
September 2015 Perspectives -
Dance Celebrates with a Festival
The Dance Program celebrates several milestones with a festival featuring performances, panel discussions, master classes, and more.
September 2015 Perspectives -
The Universe in Music and Images
A benefit concert for the Astrobiology Program and Astronomy Department combines original symphonic music with spectacular imagery from space.
September 2015 Perspectives -
Seeking Information, Fighting for Justice
An October 5 conference addresses how access to information can be a tool in securing truth, justice, and reparations in human rights cases.
September 2015 Perspectives -
Science Takes Center Stage in 'Thought Experiments'
Playwrights and scientists pair up to explore what it means to be human in light of current developments in science and technology.
September 2015 Perspectives -
Monkeying Around in Remote Indonesia
For 20 years, UW students have participated in field research on a tropical island that's home to more than a thousand monkeys.
September 2015 Perspectives -
Cooled down and charged up, a giant magnet is ready for its new mission.
Thanks to UW researchers, a 680-ton superconducting magnet is secure in its new home and nearly ready for a new era of discovery in particle physics.09/24/2015