  • Athena Unleashed

    It doesn't look like much, but Athena is currently the most powerful computer on the UW campus, helping scientists tackle fundamental questions about our universe.

    September 2008 Perspectives
  • From Tea to Weddings

    The Jackson School’s Summer Seminar for Educators, offered annually, focused on rituals this year, ranging from a North African tea service to a Day of the Dead celebration to Makah whaling traditions. 

    September 2008 Perspectives
  • Not Your Usual Camp

    At the Speech and Hearing Clinic's Communication Camp, children work on their communication skills with the assistance of graduate students, who gain valuable clinical experience. 

    September 2008 Perspectives
  • Getting On Board with Washington Bus

    Josh Johnston ('03) and a group of friends founded The Washington Bus as a way to involve young people in politics.

    September 2008 Perspectives
  • More Northern Exposure

    UW joins the University of the Arctic.

    September 2008 Perspectives
  • A&S Advisers: Connecting Students to Arts & Sciences

    While A&S advisers guide students through the UW's myriad offerings, they also work with faculty on curriculum planning, create opportunities for alums to talk with current students, and more. Related stories: Career Discovery Week | Advisory Group of A&S Advisers 

    September 2008 Perspectives
  • New Mineral Named for Brownlee

    September 2008 Perspectives
  • Greek Mythology on the Big Screen

    In the Classics course "Classic Mythology Through Film," students study cinematic versions of ancient myths.

    July 2008 Perspectives
  • Now Showing--at a Department Near You

    The College has seen a dramatic increase in film-related courses and programs in the past decade, ranging from classes on film genres and directors to courses on digital cinema production. 

    July 2008 Perspectives
  • New Museum Fueled by A&S Alumni

    The new Northwest African American Museum opened in Seattle in March, with many A&S alumni among its dedicated staff. 

    July 2008 Perspectives