  • A Unique "Eye" on the Election

    UW Election Eye 2012, a blog created in partnership with The Seattle Times, has captured this election year through the eyes and ears of students and faculty in the Department of Communication.

    October 2012 Perspectives
  • A&S Faculty Elected Phi Beta Kappa Senators

    Three UW faculty, including two from Arts and Sciences, have been elected senators of the Phi Beta Kappa Society, the nation's most prestigious academic honor society. The election of three senators from one university is unprecedented.

    September 2012 Perspectives
  • One Cuba, Three Perspectives

    Despite its small size, Cuba has loomed large in U.S. foreign policy, and its exile community in the U.S. has influenced American elections. A study abroad program explores this complex relationship.

    September 2012 Perspectives
  • A Bridge to College Writing

    For UW freshmen, the prospect of writing college-level papers can be daunting. English 108, a writing course for entering freshmen, has been helping for the past nine years.

    September 2012 Perspectives
  • An Elusive Particle Makes its Debut

    After decades of searching, scientists recently found the Higgs boson, an elusive subatomic particle that may provide clues to the origins of the universe. UW physicists played a key role in the discovery.

    September 2012 Perspectives
  • Huskies Share Dirty Story

    Most members of the creative team for Intiman Theatre's summer production of Dirty Story were UW faculty or alumni, reflecting the UW School of Drama's collaborative relationship with the Seattle theatre community.

    September 2012 Perspectives
  • A Data Goldmine for Researchers

    The Northwest Census Research Data Center, officially opening September 24, will provide access to extensive restricted data about American households, with enormous benefits for researchers—once they receive security clearance.

    September 2012 Perspectives
  • President Obama Honors UW Biologist

    The White House announced that UW biology professor Jay Parrish has received a Presidential Early Career Award for Scientists and Engineers, the government's highest honor for scientists in the early stages of their research careers. 

    September 2012 Perspectives
  • Take Our "Timeless" Quiz

    150 alumni recently received Timeless Awards in honor of the College's 150th anniversary. Take our quiz to see how much you know about our alumni, from actors to astronauts.

    June 2012 Perspectives
  • Guiding Teen Girls Toward College

    Making Connections, a program of the UW Women's Center, helps first-generation, low-income high school girls achieve their dream of going to college. For the past five years, the program has had a 100 percent success rate.

    June 2012 Perspectives