Working Toward Responsible AI
Artificial intelligence (AI) is an essential tool at Indeed, a global job-matching and hiring platform. Trey Causey (2009) works to ensure that the company's AI promotes equity and fairness.
Art that Heals — with Joy
Doctoral student Iris Viveros Avendano explores the role of fandango in resistance and healing from collective trauma.
Voting by the Numbers
Think voting is simple? A new course co-taught by statistics and philosophy faculty explores the many complexities of the voting process.
UW awarded NIH grant for training in advanced data analytics for behavioral and social sciences
This five-year, $1.8 million training program at the UW will fund 25 academic-year graduate fellowships, develop a new training curriculum and contribute to methodological advances in health research at the intersection of demography and data science.
How do states make policy during a pandemic? Political science panel discusses politics of COVID-19 response
Political alignments are drawn during COVID-19, showing how differences in quarantine tactics draw different results. Chris Adolph, associate professor of political science, is quoted
Statistics for Global Impact
Adrian Raftery receives Ireland's St. Patrick's Day Medal for contributions to statistics
An Unusual Collaboration Addresses Peer Review Bias
A philosopher and a statistician won an NIH competition that addresses the problem of bias in academic peer review.