In high-poverty WA school districts, high schoolers bore extra burden
Because of the pandemic, high school seniors across Washington experienced a tumultuous end to their secondary education. But while all kinds of students struggled to adjust to virtual learning, student life has been particularly difficult for students in high-poverty districts. This story was written for a UW journalism class by Renee Diaz, Patric Haerle and Faith Noh.
Awards of Excellence
For more than 50 years, the UW Awards of Excellence have celebrated outstanding faculty, staff, students and alumni whose achievements exemplify the University’s mission. This year, 20 people were honored with the new Together We Will award, which celebrates outstanding staff contributions made during the challenges of 2020.
Husky 100
The 2021 Husky 100, a group of 100 students making the most of their time at the UW, have been announced.
‘Quarantining while Black’: Conference examines twin pandemics through radical listening
Ralina Joseph, Center for Communication, Difference, and Equity Director and Presidential Term Professor in the UW Department of Communication, discusses the Center's upcoming conference.
Celebrating Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month
A collection of work by Arts & Sciences faculty, students, alumni and friends related to Asian American and Pacific Islander history, heritage and culture.
Meet the 2020-21 UW MAP award recipients
Since 1994, alumni and friends in the Multicultural Alumni Partnership have worked together to promote diversity at the UW and address issues of equity and diversity on our campuses and in our community. This year’s promising scholars range from early undergraduates who are still zeroing in on a major to those pursuing graduate and professional degrees.
Generation Mixed Goes to School' Helps Parents and Educators Support Mixed-Race Kids
According to recent census data, the U.S. is becoming more racially and ethnically diverse at a faster rate than predicted. Along with increased diversity comes an increase in multiracial youth, populations that Ralina Joseph, professor of communication at the UW, and Allison Briscoe-Smith are calling “Generation Mixed.” They have created a resource for educators, caregivers, parents and more in their book “Generation Mixed Goes to School: Radically Listening to Multiracial Kids.”
Can you opt out of Mother’s Day and Father’s Day?
When you’re estranged from a parent — or have lost a parent, or are coping with infertility — holidays such as Mother’s Day and Father’s Day can bring up a range of complicated emotions. Not everyone wants reminders of those holidays constantly showing up in their inbox either. So several brands have taken the initiative by offering customers the option of opting out of Mother’s Day and Father’s Day emails. Kristina Scharp, assistant professor of communication at the UW, is quoted.
ArtSci Roundup: Rosmersholm, The Jews of Ottoman Izmir: Dina Danon in Conversation with Devin E. Naar, and More
This week at the UW, watch the play Rosmersholm, attend a book talk, and more.
ArtSci Roundup: Exhibitions at The Henry Art Gallery, From ‘Permit Patty’ to ‘Karen’: Black Rearticulations of Racial Humor, and More
This week at the UW, attend a talk on Gender in the E.U, visit the Henry Art Gallery, and more.
ArtSci Roundup: Ghetto: The History of a Word, CJMD Spotlight: Public opinion in U.S. broadcast news, and More
This week at the UW, attend the first art graduation exhibition, a talk entitled Filming Ethnographic Textures: Representing the Atmospheric Politics of Peruvian Cultural Practices, and more.
Creating Community on TikTok
UW senior Hunter Brown has 275,000 TikTok followers. A UW Communication course helped him build his online community.
ArtSci Roundup: Borders and Blackness: Communicating Belonging and Grief, Drop-in Session: Meditation Inspired By Nature, and More
This week at the UW, attend a meditation session, attend Curating in Conversation: A Panel Series on Sharing Northwest Native Art and Art History with the Public, and more.
ArtSci Roundup: Fighting Visibility: Unpaid Gendered & Racialized Labor for the UFC, Beverly Guy-Sheftall – Say Her Name: The Urgency of Black Feminism Now, and More
This week at the UW, attend a book talk for “Empire of Convicts: Indian Penal Labor in Colonial Southeast Asia" and listen to the Jewish Questions podcast.
'What's going to happen to me?' Reflecting on a pandemic college year, through the words of student newspapers
USA Today examines coverage of COVID-19 in college newspapers. UW Daily staff Jake Goldstein-Street and Mac Murray are quoted.