22 books by Seattle-area writers for summer
Seattlepi.com's science blogger adds a book to the summer reading list: "Einstein's Bridge," a science fiction novel published in 1998 by UW emeritus professor of physics John Cramer. -
Students rally to halt repurposing of Physics Reading Room
Nearly 800 students and supporters have signed a petition on Change.org hoping to halt plans to repurpose the Physics-Astronomy Reading Room (PARR) into an eScience Data Science Studio. -
UW researcher wins award for Bioelectricity Toy Set
Robijanto Soetedjo, a neurophysiologist and research assistant professor at the UW Department of Physiology and Biophysics, was awarded $25,000 after coming in second place in the national Science, Play, and Research Kit competition (SPARK) for his prototype of a "Bioelectricity Toy Set." His invention could help lead the way in introducing children to neuroscience through play. -
Solving a physics mystery
The same physics that gives stability to tornadoes lies at the heart of new UW research and could lead to a better understanding of nuclear dynamics in studying fission, superconductors and the workings of neutron stars. -
Weird reverse-causality study takes a new twist
A UW physicist who has been looking for evidence that causality can go backward in time says he's making progress on nailing down the theoretical foundations for such quantum weirdness. -
Genetically identical bacteria can behave in radically different ways
Although a population of bacteria may be genetically identical, individual bacteria within that population can act in radically different ways. -
"Spooky action" builds a wormhole between particles
Quantum entanglement, a perplexing phenomenon of quantum mechanics that Albert Einstein once referred to as "spooky action at a distance," could be even spookier than Einstein perceived. -
Detector at UW on the hunt for dark matter
The University of Washington's Center for Experimental Nuclear Physics and Astrophysics is about to go hunting. Their quarry: A theorized-but-never-seen elementary particle called an axion. -
Physicists pinpoint key property of material that both conducts and insulates
UW physicist have made the first-ever accurate determination of a solid-state triple point in a substance called vanadium dioxide, which is known for switching rapidly from an electrical insulator to a conductor. -
Top Grad Students Honored
Earning a PhD is accomplishment enough for most graduate students, but three recent grads received the A&S Graduate Medal along with their doctorates this spring
Listening to the Big Bang
A UW physicist has used new satellite data to update his decade-old recreation of the sound of the Big Bang at the birth of the universe. -
A Leader in Physics Education
Lillian C. McDermott has dedicated her career to improving physics education using scientific research methods. The American Association of Physics Teachers is honoring her for her contributions to the field.
Physicists for a Day
Through a national program, ten high school students spent a recent Saturday as physicists, analyzing real data from the world's largest particle accelerator and discussing their findings with scientists at a national lab.
Thinking Nuclear
For 16 years, the Institute for Nuclear Theory has been bringing together scientists from around the world to explore questions in nuclear physics and related fields.
The End of a Lifelong Journey
Astronaut Michael Anderson, who perished in the space shuttle Columbia, earned his B.S. from the UW College of Arts and Sciences in physics and astronomy.