Three new physics experiments could revamp the standard model
Physics Graduate Student Rachel Osofsky is quoted about her work adjusting the magnetic field of a new electromagnetic ring.
For UW physicists, the 2-D form of tungsten ditelluride is full of surprises
For a team led by scientists at the UW, the 2-D form of one metallic compound — tungsten ditelluride, or WTe2 — is a bevy of quantum revelations.
Atomically thin magnetic device could lead to new memory technologies
A University of Washington-led team is working on a magnetic breakthrough that may revolutionize both cloud computing technologies and consumer electronics.
After 30 years of R&D, breakthrough announced in dark matter detection technology, definitive search to begin for axion particles
The Axion Dark Matter Experiment (ADMX) at the University of Washington is the world's first experiment to be sensitive enough to "hear" the signs of dark matter axions.
If Tiny Dark Matter Particle Exists, This Experiment Is Now Ready to Find It
The research team at the UW have announced that the Axion Dark Matter eXperiment (ADMX) is officially sensitive enough to find the theoretically predicted axion.
A Quantum Leap
A physics student explores the possibilities of quantum computing — with help from a Microsoft Research Fellowship.
How a 'Jelly Doughnut' May Explain Why the Universe Exists
Jason Detwiler is an assistant professor of physics at the University of Washington, and he’s on the hunt for a natural phenomenon that is insanely rare.
Scientists get robots ready to study Antarctic ice shelves from below, with $2M boost from Paul Allen
Researchers from the University of Washington and Columbia University are getting ready for an unprecedented months-long campaign to study Antarctica’s ice shelves from the ocean below.
New Discovery Suggests Quarks Can Undergo Explosive Fusion Reactions
Gerald A. Miller, UW professor of physics, is quoted.
UW to host $15.6M NSF-funded center for innovation, education in materials science
Professor of Chemistry, Daniel Gamelin, is director of the new Molecular Engineering Materials Center for research, education and training in materials science.
The quantum internet is just a decade away — here's what you need to know
University of Washington physicist Kai-Mei Fu discusses quantum internet.
Physics professor Kai-Mei Fu is quoted in this article.
Stop Equating “Science” With Truth
Evolutionary psychology is just the most obvious example of science’s flaws.
Women of color face staggering harassment in space science
Forty percent of women of color said that they felt unsafe in their current job as a result of harassment about their gender.
Dark Matter Recipe Calls for One Part Superfluid
According to Chanda Prescod-Weinstein, a theoretical physicist at the University of Washington, axions could theoretically condense into something like a Bose-Einstein condensate.