• Banishment as City Policy

    The growing trend of allowing police to "banish" citizens from certain neighborhoods is explored in Banished: The New Social Control in Urban America, by UW Professors Katherine Beckett and Steve Herbert.

    May 2010 Perspectives
  • Extreme Makeover for Savery Hall

    An economist, a philosopher, and a sociologist walk into a room.... No, it's not a joke. It's what you'll find at the Savery Hall Open House on October 16. The event celebrates completion of the building's two-year renovation. 

    September 2009 Perspectives
  • A Sobering Map of Sexual Liaisons

    Sociology professor Katherine Stovel studies teens’ sexual behavior and transmission of sexually transmitted diseases. 

    October 2005 Perspectives
  • 45 Years Later, an Apology from the U.S. Government

    When A&S alumnus Gordon Hirabayashi refused to go to an internment camp in 1942, he went to prison for his actions. Nearly five decades later, the government finally overturned his conviction.

    March 2000 Perspectives