Researchers explain how stereotypes keep girls out of computer science classes
A Op-Ed from UW Psychology and I-LABS faculty Allison Master, Sapna Cheryan and Andrew N. Meltzoff. -
Female Astronomers: Outsiders in Their Field
Department of Astronomy faculty discuss the value of gender diversity among students and faculty. -
Advocating for Equal Access
With a passion for equity, sophomore Joshua Dawson is advocating for — and empowering — underrepresented pre-med students. -
Grant will help Native American undergraduates attend first scientific meeting
A grant from the National Science Foundation to bring six Native American undergraduate students to their first scientific meeting -
UW has so many biology students it has to build a new $160M life sciences building
The commercial life sciences industry in the Seattle area isn't the only part of the sector that's booming. -
UW builds largest Sephardic digital library
Seattle is home to one of the most vibrant Sephardic Jewish communities in the country, and UW professor Devin Naar is working to keep its dying language, Ladino, alive.
College Confidence in the High School Classroom
Texts and Teachers bridges the gap between high school and college through parallel courses and campus visits.
Students Tour Q13 FOX News Studio
Have you ever wondered what goes on behind the scenes at your favorite news station? I sure did and I got the opportunity thanks to the Department of Communication’s (UW COM) Career Exploration Tour program.
On May 12, I was one of seven students who toured Q13 FOX News studio in Seattle. We were greeted by UW COM alumna Kaci Aitchison, former anchor and current features reporter on Q13 FOX. Aitchison started out at 106.1 KISS FM and moved to the TV realm in August 2009 when she joined the Q13 FOX News team.
Q&A with New A&S Dean Robert Stacey
The new Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences shares his thoughts about his role, the value of the liberal arts, and the state of higher education.
Geography Students Research Bus Routes, Create Website
UW geography students extensively researched neighborhoods along three new RapidRide bus routes in King County, then created a website to share their information with artists creating work for those routes.
Students Collaborate with Seniors for Anthropology Project
Working in teams with seniors from the Pike Market Senior Center, students in a course on qualitative research methods learned to embrace the "organized chaos" that is field research.
Dancing Lessons in Yakima
As part of a Dance Program course on teaching methods, UW undergraduates traveled to Yakima to teach dance to high school teens involved in the GEAR UP Program.
Students and Community Partners Collaborate Through GIS Course
Using GIS technology, geography students collaborate with community partners on projects ranging from siting Pea Patch gardens to analyzing K-12 student philanthropy.
Mixing Art and Nature at Willapa Bay
The Willapa National Wildlife Refuge includes artworks created by UW students enrolled in a UW public art course.
Exploring Tolkien
History professor Robin Stacey’s love of J. R. R. Tolkien’s work led to a popular course and now a five-part lecture series.