Recently named a Freedom Scholar, here is how Megan Ming Francis is helping lead the fight against injustice
Megan Ming Francis, associate professor of political science, was recently named a Freedom Scholar and granted $250,000 to do work in economic and social justice.
Faculty/staff honors: state dance educator of the year
Dance Department lecturer Etienne Cakpo has been named 2020 Dance Educator of the Year by the Dance Educators Association of Washington.
Applied Research Fellows develop tool to explore population changes in King County
The 2020 Population Health Applied Research Fellows concluded their 10-week program to produce small area population forecasts at the Census tract and Health Reporting Area levels by sex, race, ethnicity and five-year age groups for King County from 2020 to 2045.
UW political scientist Megan Ming Francis named one of 12 grant-supported ‘Freedom Scholars’ for work on economic and social equity
Megan Ming Francis, University of Washington associate professor of political science, has been named one of 12 grant-supported “Freedom Scholars” in a new $3 million initiative by the Marguerite Casey Foundation and Group Health Foundation, working together. Scholars are recognized for work “shifting the balance of power to families and communities that have been historically excluded from the resources and benefits of society.”
2021 Breakthrough Prize in Fundamental Physics
Emeritus Professor Eric Adelberger, Professor Jens Gundlach, and Professor Blayne Heckel are the recipients of the 2021 Breakthrough Prize in Fundamental Physics.
2021 Breakthrough Prize Winners Announced: Researcher Who Developed Protein Design Technology Awarded $3 Million
Three physics professors at the UW have been awarded the Breakthrough Prize in physics.
Protein design and physics earn UW professors a pair of prestigious Breakthrough Prizes
Researchers at the UW, working on the understanding of gravity, have been awarded the Breakthrough Prize in fundamental physics.
Four UW professors win 2021 Breakthrough Prize — so-called ‘Oscars of Science’
Three UW physics professors have won the 2021 Breakthrough Prize in Physics.
UW receives NSF funds for investment in an interdisciplinary quantum future
The National Science Foundation has awarded $3 million to establish a NSF Research Traineeship at the UW for graduate students in quantum information science and technology, or QIST.
Winners: CONDUCTORS (orchestra), 2019-20
David Rahbee, director of orchestral activities in the School of Music won the American Prize for the college/university category.
Global ranking: UW is No. 16 in the world
The UW has ranked #16 in the world in the 2020 Academic Ranking of World Universities.
Faculty/staff honors: Public service award, endowed professorship, cybersecurity grant — and a UW professor among Talented 12
The Jackson School of International Studies has received a $200,000 grant for cybersecurity research from Carnegie Corporation of New York.
UW’s first Filipino department chair Rick Bonus says schools must do more for minority students
Rick Bonus, professor of American ethnic studies, broke ground on by becoming the first Filipino American to be appointed a UW department chair.
The top 50 U.S. colleges that pay off the most in 2020
The University of Washington is listed as one of CNBC's colleges that pay off the most.
Faculty/staff honors: Women in engineering network nod, winning magazine article on geologic hazards and refugees — and two national genetics society 2020 awards
The Women in Engineering ProActive Network has given its 2020 Founders Award to Elizabeth Litzler, affiliate assistant professor of sociology.