  • Students around a table with colorful shapes, collaborating on an art project

    Encouraging Creativity in Every Student

    In this video, UW faculty, students, and visiting artists share how participation in the Arts & Creativity Initiative sparked new connections and ideas.

    College of Arts & Sciences
  • Woman reading outside, with a lake in the background.

    How Faculty Celebrate Summer

    Looking for vacation inspiration? We asked Arts & Sciences faculty to share their favorite summer places in the Northwest, with a nod to their academic interests. 

    May 2023 Perspectives
  • Sai Ahmed (left) and Soohyung Hur snap a self at a rally. Soohyung has a fist raised.

    The Satisfying Work of Empowering Workers

    Through the Bridges Center for Labor Studies, UW students work on labor-related issues as interns for local labor organizations.

    May 2023 Perspectives
  • Two women looking at plants in the greenhouse

    A Green Oasis on Campus

    The new UW Biology Greenhouse is a place for research, for classes, and for anyone who enjoys spending time with plants.

    April 2023 Perspectives
  • Nikki Yeboah in Cal Anderson Park

    The CHOP Returns, On Stage

    UW professor and playwright Nikki Yeboah explores Seattle's 2020 CHOP protests in a play informed by interviews with nearly 30 CHOP participants.

    April 2023 Perspectives
  • Phillip Meng on the UW campus

    A Recipe for Exploration

    At the UW, Phillip Meng juggled a triple major, research, internships, journal editorship, business consulting, and more. Here's his recipe for making the most of the University.

    April 2023 Perspectives
  • Artwork from the comic novella, "In a Yellow Tone."

    Asian American History, Shared through Graphic Novels

    Graphic novels created by American Ethnic Studies students explore the role of Seattle's Asian American community in historic events.

    March 2023 Perspectives
  • Cherry trees in bloom beside a walking path in the UW quad

    Faculty Honored for Leadership, Research & More

    Recent awards and appointments celebrate Arts & Sciences faculty research, leadership, and more. 

    March 2023 Perspectives
  • Musicians playing percussion instruments

    Preparing for a Life in Music

    How do students prepare for a life in music? Faculty and staff in the School of Music discuss the many paths to a music career.

    March 2023 Perspectives
  • Kate Krings and Amy Pace on the University of Washington quad.

    Learning Parenting Skills — While Incarcerated

    Speech & Hearing Sciences faculty and students help incarcerated mothers in a residential parenting program build a strong communication foundation with their child.

    February 2023 Perspectives