Encouraging Creativity in Every Student
In this video, UW faculty, students, and visiting artists share how participation in the Arts & Creativity Initiative sparked new connections and ideas.
College of Arts & Sciences -
How Faculty Celebrate Summer
Looking for vacation inspiration? We asked Arts & Sciences faculty to share their favorite summer places in the Northwest, with a nod to their academic interests.
May 2023 Perspectives -
The Satisfying Work of Empowering Workers
Through the Bridges Center for Labor Studies, UW students work on labor-related issues as interns for local labor organizations.
May 2023 Perspectives -
A Green Oasis on Campus
The new UW Biology Greenhouse is a place for research, for classes, and for anyone who enjoys spending time with plants.
April 2023 Perspectives -
The CHOP Returns, On Stage
UW professor and playwright Nikki Yeboah explores Seattle's 2020 CHOP protests in a play informed by interviews with nearly 30 CHOP participants.
April 2023 Perspectives -
A Recipe for Exploration
At the UW, Phillip Meng juggled a triple major, research, internships, journal editorship, business consulting, and more. Here's his recipe for making the most of the University.
April 2023 Perspectives -
Asian American History, Shared through Graphic Novels
Graphic novels created by American Ethnic Studies students explore the role of Seattle's Asian American community in historic events.
March 2023 Perspectives -
Faculty Honored for Leadership, Research & More
Recent awards and appointments celebrate Arts & Sciences faculty research, leadership, and more.
March 2023 Perspectives -
Preparing for a Life in Music
How do students prepare for a life in music? Faculty and staff in the School of Music discuss the many paths to a music career.
March 2023 Perspectives -
Learning Parenting Skills — While Incarcerated
Speech & Hearing Sciences faculty and students help incarcerated mothers in a residential parenting program build a strong communication foundation with their child.
February 2023 Perspectives