Monkeying Around in Remote Indonesia
For 20 years, UW students have participated in field research on a tropical island that's home to more than a thousand monkeys.
Dance Celebrates with a Festival
The Dance Program celebrates several milestones with a festival featuring performances, panel discussions, master classes, and more.
With Their Graduate Degree, A Graduate Medal
Four students who earned graduate degrees this year have been named A&S Graduate Medalists for 2015.
Congratulations Class of 2015!
A new video looks back on the outstanding work of our students, faculty, and alumni in 2015.
Native Ph.D.s bring fresh approach to academic study
Native graduate students can face many challenges while completing their degrees. Stephanie Fryberg, professor of American Indian studies at the UW, is quoted. -
UW biologists find Washington's first dino fossil
The 80-million-year-old fossil is a partial left femur bone of a theropod dinosaur and is on display at the Burke Museum.
Biology Professor's Calling: Teach Deaf Students They Can Do Anything
UW Biology graduate Caroline Solomon, now a faculty member Gallaudet University, inspires a new generation of biologists and students who are deaf or hard of hearing. -
Enter Scott Walker, stage right
In this examination of Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker's re-creation of his political identity, a paper co-written by Hannah Walker, a doctoral candidate at the UW, is quoted. -
Puget Sound's clingfish could inspire better medical devices, whale tags
UW researchers are studying the Northern clingfish to understand how its biomechanics could be helpful in designing devices and instruments to be used in surgery.
UW Stroum Center to host Spring Research Symposium May 1
The UW Stroum Center for Jewish Studies will host its third annual Spring Research Symposium 9:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Friday, May 1, in room 214 of the HUB. -
Saving Lives Through Performance
A UW doctoral student studies the powerful role of performance in providing health education in The Gambia, Africa.
Finding the Funny in (More Than) Money
The economy's no laughing matter, unless you're watching comedian Yoram Bauman ('03), "the world's first and only stand-up economist."
Jason and Walter's Excellent Arctic Adventure
During a visit to the Canadian Arctic to study Inuktitut, the Inuit language, students experienced firsthand the language's connection to the land.
Top Grad Students Honored
Four recent PhD grads, with research ranging from human rights to ultrafast X-ray science, received the A&S Graduate Medal this spring.
Building Diversity, One Classicist at a Time
The Department of Classics was recently recognized for its efforts to promote equity and diversity in both its faculty and students.